The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Three games, four days and 95 fouls later…

Really neat story about life as a college official. And not just an ordinary college official, but Timmy Higgins.

“No question there is more accountability,” Higgins says. “But if you have a problem with it and don’t want to be accountable, you won’t be here. If you work enough, that black cloud is going to find you. It’s inevitable. The question is how long is it going to be over you?”

Higgins is contracted to call Big Ten, ACC and Big East game and this is heavy on Big East material … and seemingly with good reason. Most notable: The evaluation/retention process for Big East officials.

Currently the Big East has 45 officials under contract, and the ones who don’t cut it simply won’t be under contract next year.

“Sometimes we don’t lose anybody, sometimes guys retire by their own choice and sometimes guys aren’t offered a contract,” Hyland says. “There’s no set number. Some years it’s zero, but I’d say the most ever is three or four.”

(Postscript: If you’re even remotely aware of who Higgins is, you probably know and likely anticipate the way he calls blocks during a game. It’s a foot-shufling, arms-pumping production and he often makes sure he’s in an open and visible area to do it. I looked around and can’t find it anywhere. Amazing. Disappointing.)