The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Glen Robinson just altered your 2010-11 season

Credit Bob Huggins for his: His weekly radio show actually has meaning. It exists outside the typical parameters of cliches, coach speak, indifference, boredom and agenda-serving. Monday night he said what we’d all been pretty much assuming … but he actually said it.

Not only that, he explained and rationalized it, although I wonder what  happens if there’s a work stoppage. Are college players wondering about that? Heck, maybe, if only indirectly, this explains a possible preoccupation for Ebanks this season.

Anyhow, With Butler and WELLS graduating and Cottrill and David Nyarsuk signed and headed to WVU, Ebanks would potentially open up another scholarship and word is Huggins would actually like to have four recruits in the class … but let’s not go there, please. We do know there’s mutual interest in Doron Lamb and Todd Mayo (yes, that Mayo … and the kid has a Flying WV tattooed on his left arm), so getting one is highly likely.

I’m off to Providence. Allegedly. Commence with the open post. I’ll chime in when possible … and by that, I mean when stranded for six hours at Dulles.