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Is Robert Sands going to have to light someone up?

The blog puts Mr. Sands at No. 12 in the postseason ranking, which is king of high and kind of cool considering Sands is “a guy who wasn’t really on my radar for the Top 30 in the preseason.

I’m not sure No. 12 is right or wrong, but I’m sure Sands will react appropriately. First a trip to the club in which you know he’s live (best Twitter on the team?). Second, bench press 225 pounds 22 times, run a couple of 4.5 4os, broad jump 52 inches and then slam an energy drink before walking to class and spear-tackling anyone in sight. You disagree?

We’ve been over this before when we talked about how good Sands was late in the season and how people laughed at how well he played in the Gator Bowl. I’m serious, someone asked the PA to tell us when Sands didn’t make a tackle and he wasn’t joking. Any time there was a hit and people went “Oohhh!” I instinctively wrote “tkl 2” in my play-by-play. I was wrong a few times, but in that case, I don’t want to be right. 

And since I have nowhere else to put this, here’s a recent text conversation between two people.

Person 1: I just saw Robert Sands in the men’s room. He made 18 tackles.
Person 2: Fortunately, an ambulance follows Sands wherever he goes.
Person 1: The toilet flushed when he walked away … and it wasn’t even one of those toilets with a censor.