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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which sees three teams playing for the last pair of two-round byes in the Big East Tournament. Last night was a good one for WVU in that Notre Dame again couldn’t win on the road and Louisville … well, let’s leave that to the Louisville Courier Journal.

After spending much of Thursday refuting claims he wants to coach the New Jersey Nets, University of Louisville men’s basketball coach Rick Pitino watched his team play like them.

These standings are fluid and tricky and as evidence look no further than Marquette, once forgotten but now back in the mix … though with work still left to do as WVU has a two-game lead and a head-to-head edge. As it stands and figures to stand the rest of the way, Syracuse and Villanova are likely locks for two-round byes and WVU, Pitt and Georgetown are likely to battle for the final two two-round byes. As of this morning, the edge would have to slightly favor the Mountaineers for one spot. They’re alone in third place, a half-game ahead of Georgetown with a home game remaining against the Hoyas, and a game ahead of Pitt, though the Panthers can grab this thing by the nape of its neck and even the season series against WVU tonight.

Then again, at this point, what’s more important? Seeding for the Big East Tournament or seeding for the NCAA Tournament? Chicken and egg, I know, but I’d argue Big East seeding. Say WVU earns the three-seed — or the two seed, which isn’t impossible given the regular-season finale at Villanova — and gets two byes in the Garden. Obviously, they get a more favorable path to a tournament win and the championship, but that’s getting too far ahead.

To remain in contention for a two- or three-seed in this league is a pretty significant feat. WVU would have to keep winning and take some big games at home and on the road, which stands to solidify and maybe even improve an already strong RPI. By then, WVU has really proven its case for a high NCAA seed in the regular season. Subsequent success in the Big East Tournament only improves it.

It sounds cliche to hear players and coaches say it, but every game matters and this little Friday night affair in the middle of February in Oakland really matters as much as a Thursday afternoon quarterfinal in the middle of March in MSG. Well, maybe tonight’s game is a bad example. Begin with the obvious and the crowd at WVU and the tenacity in the game last week.

A few WVU players said last week they might need umbrellas or football helmets when they take the floor. Wednesday night during the UConn-Syracuse game ESPN’s John Saunders said he hoped batteries would not be included in tonight’s game.

“We joke about it, but if anything were to happen we have people smart enough to get people out of situations like that,” Butler said. “It’s not like anything stupid is going to happen, but if some random student decides to do something, we’ll go from there. I honestly don’t think anything will happen, but if it does, that’s life. Things happen.”

(Quick question: Does a WVU fan buy a Pitt shirt and attend tonight’s game and pick a moment to throw stuff on the floor? Hypothetical, that’s all.)

To that, no one on this team has ever won at Pitt, which is 5-0 all-time against top-five teams at the Petersen Events Center. WVU hasn’t swept the Panthers since 2005. Da’Sean Butler had probably the worst career game his last time there … and promptly followed it with his best against Villanova. So, yeah, this one is pretty important. Or not?

“All (a win) means is we still have three losses and we’re still two games behind (Syracuse and Villanova in the standings),” Huggins said. “We don’t try to get too up or down or make any game bigger than the other.”

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, just follow directions.

Mr. M said:

Just imagine yourself coming to WVU as a freshman and attending every home BASKETBALL game through graduation four years later — and NEVER SEEING THE ‘EERS LOSE! Of course, his teams deserve a lot of the credit for that (from ‘56-57 through ‘59-’60), but what a legacy as a coach! 

The Fred Schaus tributes and memories have been pretty neat to see. Sad to see the occasion, but happy to see him remembered so fondly.

StraightOuttaNorthCentral said:

Too bad they don’t name things for people anymore without a multimillion dollar donation attached. Seems to me the “Schaus Basketball Practice Facility” has a nice ring to it.

And wouldn’t that be a fine way to ensure he’s fondly remembered for years and years to come?

Sam said:

Way to go language police – you just killed a decades old tradition with the signs.

Not sure this had much to do with the language. Not directly, at least. A lot of decision-makers at WVU have been influenced by the way they, the teams and the fans have been received and treated on road trips in recent years. This, as it was explained to me, was a way to make WVU a bit more hospitable.

overtheSEC said:

Of all the innocuous traditions to eliminate! Like Spider said, that tradition is older than every member on the current basketball team and has always been those five phrases. It’s not like they evolved to “Suck ****! Eat ****! **** You! **** Me! and Kiss my *** you ******-*****! 

Agreed. But this isn’t just changing something to change something and they stand back and say, “Look there! We changed stuff.” This had been discussed before and this was finally an appropriate time to change it. I’m more concerned with what’s now in its place. Not thatI have a problem withit, but you don’t want a blank.

Karl said:

E-C-W! E-C-W!

If they’re going to get rid of the signs in the beginning, they at least have to come up with something better than turning your backs to the visitors. My HIGH SCHOOL did that to opposing teams, for crying out loud.

Get the tables!


Aaron said:

Seriously? This is pointless, and I hope the student section swears up a storm tonight. This was easy the LEAST offensive thing that has ever happened in the Coliseum, and we’re doing away with it. Some of the teams Catlett fielded were more offensive than this…

Leon Agnew would like to speak with you!

Dave said:

Can we just strip the “U” off of WVU and rename it “Grade School”? WVGS. I’m trying to think of something more idiotic than what I’m reading here and I’m having a hard time coming up with anything.

*THIS* is supposedly how a higher education system handles the result of a few idiots? A cheer cheat-sheet and “rules” to not be a fool?

This entire thing is so completely overblown that I’m more embarrassed by the aftermath than the original issue, which was an issue that made me sick to my stomach. What are we going to do next, have Huggins look through a magic mirror to introduce the team … “I see Da’Sean, I see Devin, I see Truck, I see Wells, and I see Kevin …”

I pray that my colleagues do not see this … I hope and pray that these placards on how to act die a quick death and I am almost in tears when I think about how others who contribute to the program will react if they see this. “You want a $200k donation for what? Our students can’t behave themselves and you want to invest in what kind of facility?”

Congratulations, WVU administration. You took a bad situation and turned it into an embarrassingly bad situation.

I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend. This is going to take time to get right. I’m not sure I know what “right” is but I think to expect the students to responsibly and effectively toe the line separating barely acceptable from utterly unacceptable was a lot to ask for that game. I wonder if as much attention is being given to the issue now to restore some of the energy and intimidation as there was before in determining how to handle it. Also, Villanova and, to be true, WVU had a lot to do with the mood there.  

Sam said:

The problem is that the student section has been neutered. Brilliant strategy there. Now the Coliseum can be known as one of America’s friendliest places to come play. That’s absolutely fantastic.

I think it’s part of a plan. WVU gets beat down for being too weak and the all hell breaks loose for Seton Hall. I see it coming.

Aaron said:

I’m with Sam. Those chants were terrible. Rarely was it either loud or intimidating, and never was it intelligible. I was excited to see the Maniac Musings posted on here to figure out what those crazy kids were trying to say. Pretty unimpressive, and needlessly complicated if you ask me.

I know the ‘Suck Eggs’ thing has been gone over a thousand times, and that doesn’t need re-hashed. I kinda liked the new thing, but agree with who ever likened it to their high school.

Gone was the ‘bum of the game’ though, and I think that is a blow to the intimidation factor. Arbitrarily picking a member of the opposing team to boo every time they touch the ball doesn’t seem so wrong to me. I’m not saying it would’ve held Scottie Reynolds in check, by any means, but the energy would have been improved.

I’m just printing this edition up and dropping it in the suggestions box, OK?

SheikYbuit said:

Is there room on the Chant Chart for “PEP-to BIS-mol . . . clap, clap, clap-clap-clap” whenever the team goes into their typical first half funk?


The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:


Let’s petition to move the Coliseum to Keyser – then it can be in “The Friendliest Town in America.”

Do I get mileage? Because I’m not moving there. Romney? Maybe.

Jeff said:


During your interview did you mention about ending CEJ?

No. Bad job by me. I let you all down and for that, you cannot know how sorry I am.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Coach Stewart said:

To follow-up on Jeff’s comment, unfortunately I don’t get to watch every hoops game but as much as I enjoy watching the ones I do catch, every time I hear Cotton Eyed Joe playing I have to restrain my left hand from smashing a beer bottle on my temple or giving me one to the jugular.

I am extremely proud of my WV heritage and all that it entails, but the ass hat who plays that song whenever we have a nationally televised game needs a swift kick to the junk.

 For the record, I don’t endorse this behavior. Do I agree? Perhaps. I don’t endorse it, though.

hershey112 said:

“…but there’s no class at WVU today.”

Oh the irony….Does anyone else find this as funny as I do? Haha.

Honestly, that wasn’t the intention. I found myself saying that a bunch this week.

Jeff Halladay said:

Mike, thanks for linking a Sean Merinar piece from Palestra. Well done. You can never get enough of the ‘Big Dog.’

One a year and only a year after the piece was published. I’ll organize a committee and see about changing this policy.

overtheSEC said:

Something else of note tonight: the Wildcats’ ability to get to the free throw line (where they’re freaking awesome). Scottie Reynolds has a Lebron effect over the officials where they instinctively blow the whistle whenever he drives (similar to Evan Turner and the Jones kid from USF–who both shot 10 FTs against us earlier this year)

Well, wasn’t that prophetic? I have to wonder, though. Just a few years ago Villanova was one of the few teams to go small and really succeed. Now a lot of teams have borrowed that philosophy, though there are more guards and off-the-dribble players in high school than there are back-to-the-basket bigs. It’s easier to fill rosters with those guys. But a few years back, the rules changed a little and officials began calling games differently and it enabled more spread-out offenses and screens. Little guys became big-time assets because they could score with the extra space and the screens. Is this the way the game is evolving and was Villanova ahead of the game?

Shannon said:

I am starting to wonder if I should just skip the first half of all WVU basketball games and just watch the second half. If this team could ever put two consecutive halves together, they would be unbeatable.

It’s not a terrible idea. Your stomach lining would thank you.

NCMountaineer said:

It’s time for Huggins to face the fact that this team will be at its best playing zone defense. Villanova is driving all over us right now.

But…if this season has taught us anything, it is to never count this team out.

Never happen. The problem with the zone is actually an offensive problem. They’re just not as good on that end of the floor when they have Mazzulla and Flowers playing the zone. Unless they can score in transition — St. John’s — they have trouble making up deficits with the zone.

Gordo said:

I continue to believe it’s less about our shooting percentage and more about our shot selection.  Almost half our shots were 3’s.  That’s not cool especially when you’re shooting 28% from the arc. 

Good point and who takes those shots is sometimes a problem … but you have to admit these guys do miss a number of close an open looks, too.

Foul Shot said:

The concern here is that we cannot seem to match up with the top teams we have to play.
Cuse, Nova, Purdue. All losses.
While the team seems to be talented enough to win one or two tournament games, it does not show that they can make any type of deep run.
The long scoring droughts just kill us in the first halves of these games.
Last night, we get within 5 or so and Nova spurts out to 10 or 11 each time in the 2nd half.
No consistent scoring options.
If Butler is off, we are going to lose or really struggle to win. No chance against a really top flight team if he is not hitting.
Looking back, we should never have been in a struggle with Cleveland St. or St. Johns. Just not there yet.
Hoping for some magic as the tournaments approach.

It all goes back to one point — they don’t play complete games. Within that, the droughts are the problem and they affect everything. In addition to working harder to score, they have to play harder on defense to either keep a deficit small or prevent a lead from shrinking. That then takes energy from the offensive end. Maybe Huggins goes to the bench to get a spark, but then those minutes are gone from the regular format and things get juggled. The game is just much easier when you can score.

Mack said:

I think WVU doesn’t have any speed. Therefore, none of its players can drive to the basket. The only non-stationary player we really have is Da’Sean Butler who, again, isn’t very fast (or quick) when you compare him to the other players in the Big East. As a result, you have guys standing around.

Good point. That explains the reliance on length on defense and why WVU can struggle to stop the dribble drive. Lately the Mountaineers have been guilty of giving too much help on defense, which happens when the ball gets past a defender and a second defender comes in, but the ball then goes to the player left open by the help. Villanova is really good at that. And truthfully, that makes WVU look worse than it really is.

hershy112 said:

Scottie Reynolds slipped and fell on his way to class this morning. Jay Bilas says there should have been a foul called.

*Scottie Reynolds did not actually fall on his way to class this morning, or if he did, I don’t know about it. Don’t want to start rumors.

Oh, it wasn’t that bad, was it?

oklahomamountaineer said:

Off topic….if it’s there, I have not seen it. Is there some reason why the Daily Mail would not reflect on the passing of one of their finest, but the WVU press corp does?

I hope I’ve missed it on the website or it was in the actual paper.

You missed it.

Jeff in Akron said:

With the increase in recruiting responsibility will there be an increase in compensation for these two? The numbers I have read about show a chunk of salary left over. Doc was paid a lot more than McMichael was signed for.

Oll Stew is proving better than he’s being given credit for. Doc’s departure could end up making the staff stronger in the long run. I have to believe in the program that is in place at WVU. Too many positive are being reported not to. Every time there is a shake up Oll Stew just keeps on humming.

With this class WVU has decent depth at almost every position after the graduation of next years class. Defensive line being the only area that could be of concern if the injury bug hits. The next four or five years should be good times if you’re a Mountaineer fan.

Doc made $400k+ and McMichael makes less than half that so there’s about $200k floating around. I’m sure increased responsibilities, no matter where they go, can and will be appropriately compensated.

rekterx said:

Ask me about pay raises.

What about pay raises? Oh, wait … moving on.

Patchy said:

Ugh. This is like being dragged to a restaurant while repeatedly told “it’s really good” then sitting down, looking at the menu and realizing you don’t see a single appealing item.

Ladies and gentlemen, your 2010 football schedule!

The 25314 said:

I guess this is the SID’s version of the sports writers’ “how the bye week/thursday night game will affect normal game-week preperation” yearly article.

Touche! I would have opted for the “Do you see a sense of urgency from the seniors leading up to senior night?” theme. But seriously, scheduling is formulaic and the news is boring news. What can you do with it besides say what was said?

StraightOuttaNorthCentral said:

Then, Oll Stew could say, “I really like the way our schedule is put together, in much the same way I like the way Beyonce is put together. Our schedule is very challenging, so all the fans who want to complain can go suck an egg. Kickoffs!”

(shaking head)

glibglub said:

Then, Oll Stew could say, “I really like the way our schedule is put together, in much the same way I like the way Beyonce is put together.

If he likes the schedule so much, maybe he should “put a ring on it”.

Enjoy the weekend!