The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

This storm arrived a day early

We’re still a day away from the rematch, but the assurances Pitt will try its hardest to not act like WVU are here.

Pitt officials said Wednesday afternoon there are no plans for additional security for the 9 p.m. nationally televised game.

“We take great pride in how our fans represent our university and our city,” the Pitt athletic department said in a statement. “We see no reason to change our approach or policies for an individual game.”

Fair enough. I think that’s something people wondered about. And the comment is respectful. Understated. Acceptable. So everything is civil, yes?

Wait for it …

Perhaps the biggest deterrent is the negative national publicity the WVU student section, the Mountaineer Maniacs, have endured in recent weeks.

“What they did was classless,” said Zoo member Corey Lundy, 19, a freshman from Elizabeth. “We’re better than them.”

Oh boy. Where to begin?

Confession: I said WVU players were wondering if umbrellas were necessary this week. That was said to me in jest and just a day after last week’s game. I also said it would be ugly on par with a former batting champ. That was a comment on the atmosphere, not the crowd’s propensity to throw things and I do think it may be hostility on a level WVU’s players have not yet experienced. These are tough and resilient guys, but this is really going to test those traits.

Anyhow, the point is, yes, there’s a reason people are really excited and curious about this rematch, but it has little to do with the potential for coin-chucking copycats. No, what’s sadly forgotten is the game eight days ago was really good until it got ugly. It wasn’t a classic or especially memorable for a play or a performance, but it was what these two teams have produced since Facebook foe Bob Huggins arrived. I think people would like to see that game get the full and uninterrupted 40-minute commitment from the coaches and players. 

I also think we’re completely overlooking one thing here: The game reached its peak when Gary McGhee and John Flowers tussled. That wasn’t necessarily inspired by the crowd. It was a product of the way the game, filled with runs and rebounds and defense, developed. Sometimes that happens and sometimes Bob Donato is there to set it off for you.

A 19-point final margin was actually a two-point game in the middle of the second half. Then the crowd interceded and McGhee and Flowers danced and, to be honest, WVU handled the mess a lot better than Pitt. But WVU was at home and surely Pitt and its fans think the Panthers are capable of doing the same on their court. Both sides want to see this thing played out to the finish. That’s why people are so eager. Let’s get what we were denied last week.

The Pete is my favorite road arena and it’s probably only behind Syracuse for the overall in-game experience. This might be the best student section and I can tell you the WVU players kind of like it, too. So, in short, everyone knows the Zoo will be on it tomorrow night. Everyone. Any why? Not because some WVU fans threw stuff on the floor, but because Pitt’s crowd instinctively can’t stand any of its opponents and really, really doesn’t like WVU and the way it won last week’s game.