The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Move along, nothing to see here

For some reason, of all the changes initiated at the Coliseum last night the one that seemed to matter most was adjusting the way the opponent is introduced. Gone are the placards with the “So what?” “Who cares?” “Big deal!” “Go home!” and “Sucks eggs!” I don’t think anyone was outraged. Some thought it was overdue. Some though it was a misplaced reaction. Others don’t like the idea of lightening the mood before a game.

Whatever the case, in its place was a simlple, albeit tame, collective turning of the backs by students. collective turning of the backs by the students.

With the exception of the actual game, things went fairly well thanks to a coordinated effort leading up to the tip including a more cautious edition of the Maniacs Musing and the distribution of about 15,000 business cards with new house rules (both are included below).

Afterward, reviews were mixed, but President Clements voiced his approval.

WVU president thanks fans for Monday night’s enthusiastic support of team

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — West Virginia University President James P. Clements praised the University community, especially the Student Government Association and Mountaineer Maniacs, for creating an improved atmosphere at Monday’s men’s basketball game between WVU and Villanova:

“I want to thank our fans, especially the students, for the way in which they enthusiastically supported our team tonight. They packed the Coliseum and were loud and spirited – but respectful. That’s how a sporting event should be. I want to thank our Student Government Association and the Mountaineer Maniacs who worked closely with the University Administration, Student Affairs, Coach Bob Huggins and the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics to implement some positive initiatives that focused on good sportsmanship. I was proud of how our fans responded tonight.”

How about a slideshow?