The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Jim Clements requests some House of Pain, please

… well, not exactly, but I think his words can be manipulated in such a way to create an executive decision.

“… I think you can intimidate by being loud and full of energy. When the house is shaking and the students are jumping around, that’s a very intimidating atmosphere.”

I don’t want to go too far with anything and Lord knows no one wants to see any piling on at this juncture, but there’s no class at WVU today. There are thousands of students “biding their time” before the gates open. I’m prepared for anything.

And so, too, is WVU, which huddled throughout the weekend and produced a list of additions and subtractions, “Jump Around” not among them. However, a few changes are guaranteed at the Coliseum for tonight’s Big Monday feature on ESPN.

Most notable is the elimination of the way the crowd treats the introduction of the visiting team’s starting lineup. For many years now, fans have stood before the student section and held placards instructing the crowd to respond to a player’s introduction with cheers of “So what?” “Who cares?” “Big deal!” “Go home!” and “Sucks eggs!”

“That’s not going to happen (today),” Clements said. “A lot of people think that sets a negative tone from the beginning.”

Also: increased surveillance, a “noticeable” bump in security, cards spelling out “Huggs’ House Rules,” a video by military veterans enrolled at the school, vigorous application of alcohol rules and strict policing of the students by the students.

This is a lot of eggs in one basket, so to speak, and it sure does deliver the message quite clearly that evil shenanigans will be met with major consequences. I’m telling you, if it happens again and it comes from the student section, the student section is going to get smaller. Fast.

This is not news to the students, who appear to be serious about this and — I kid you not — practiced yesterday. I wonder if they can cheer out of the 1-3-1 …