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Hey! Someone wants to be here for a home game

Da’Sean Butler has, by now, mastered the art of deadpanned replies and tongue-in-cheek delivery. I knew this before I asked him if, perhaps, Villanova was looking forward to seeing Mr. 7-for-7 tonight.

“Me? Why? What’d I do?”

Let’s review.

“It went well. I did OK.”

And to think, he wasn’t healthy. Not even close. A few teammates were surprised he played, never mind start or score 43 points. To no surprise, though, Butler was teased afterward. Some proposed he was playing it up and knew WVU-Villanova was the sports highlight of that Friday night of NBA all-star weekend — remember, there is no NFL, MLB or NBA. Others insisted Butler not break the momentum.

“During the game, I didn’t even think about, but after the game, I was kind of like, ‘Ow … and wow.’ Then everyone brought up it up: ‘Maybe you should be hurt for every game.'”

It was the 26th 40-point game in WVU history and the 11th-best single-game total ever, as well as the time Devin Ebanks said “Da’da does what Da’da does.”  I’d have to think Jay Wright remembers that and I’d have to think among the last things he wanted to see Saturday night was a box score displaying how Butler got to 33 points and helped WVU turn a 16-point second-half deficit into a 19-point win at St. John’s.  

Then again, the Wildcats were so greatly vitcimized by Georgetown’s offensive execution Saturday Wright said they’re eager to turn the page and greet Butler and the Coliseum again.

“That’s the only good thing about having to go on the road,” he said. “I don’t think I’ve ever said it, but I’m really excited about going to West Virginia.”