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WVU’s response to Wednesday night

From WVU’s News and Information Services:

WVU President Clements apologizes to Pitt for fan behavior, promises to increase security

West Virginia University is appalled and embarrassed by the fan behavior at the Pitt men’s basketball game on Wednesday night.  On behalf of WVU, President Jim Clements apologizes to the University of Pittsburgh community.
WVU administration and student government officials are working cooperatively to put in place procedures to remedy inappropriate fan behavior.  
“Boorish and unruly behavior by our fans will not be tolerated,” Clements said.
Measures will be taken to increase surveillance and security.  Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Fans who observe dangerous or inappropriate behavior are encouraged to text AID to 94597.
“It is a shame that a terrific performance by our team was overshadowed by the unfortunate actions of a few fans,” Clements added.