The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Mike Carey had a strange little day

The WVU women’s basketball coach arrived at the alumni center for Thursday’s joint groundbreaking for the basketball practice facility and the physics department’s White Hall project — actually, make that a virtual groundbreaking — and after being told to wear khaki pants and a collared WVU shirt.



That’d be Mike Carey on the left with “Jim,” Bob Huggins and some donors. Again, Mike Carey.

As if it wasn’t odd enough to be so underdressed — and he noted as much — he then had a hard time finding his seat. Why?


Bruce, of course, is Mike’s older brother, the now-retired football coach at Bridgeport High. Mike Carey laughed it off. Huggins could not: “I’m glad to see you’ve made such an impression on these people since you’ve been here.”

In all seriousness, this was a pretty neat, very monumental event for the university.