The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

In case you want to follow on your own

(But seriously … “Texts from Game Day?”)

Today is especially busy and I was dumb enough to not only schedule a dentist appointment, but actually move it up five days — Jann Barber does care for people as well as teeth.

Anyhow, that makes time spent here a little scarce today and I realize the signing day thing is pretty important. If you’re not already hooked on one site or service, I suggest following here.

As I write this, WVU had 15 signed national letters of intent including one of those previously undecided additions in Qudral Forte and one flipper in Travis “Says Who?” Bell. You can add Sticks to that list, too, though heretofore swaggerless WVU hasn’t made it official.

For the record, the former Miramar quarterback now has three Miramar receivers to throw the ball to, which might be interesting to non-Miramar quarterback Barry Brunetti. Or not: “They aren’t ganging up on me. They’re going to let the best players play and they’ve got a lot of good players there now.”