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Here we go (updated)

This is moving. Fast. It’s been ongoing for some time now and might be near its conclusion soon. And the same Pitt is here for a basketball game Wednesday night. Yikes.

Again, people have been talking and hearing about this for months — I’m told it was at the “prospectus-in-hand” status long ago — with Missouri and Pitt as the targets … and it makes the whole Tranghese/Memphis thing seem a little less bizarre, no? Geographically, logistically, financially, so on and so forth, Pitt makes sense for the Big Ten and it’d really, really harm the Big East in football. That BCS bid? Take Pitt away and what do you have? It also threatens to set off a long chain of reactions, too. Imagine the poaching that goes on to fill conference rosters.

I just hope it concludes soon. I can’t take a summer of talk radio — doing their jobs — obsessing about this.

(Update: I probably should have been a little more in-depth. I was unintentionally ambiguous and that’s my fault.

I haven’t heard anything to say this WILL happen. In fact, I’ve only heard this is innuendo and rumor at this point. When I said it’s “moving,” I meant it — the report, not the defection — was taking off and getting attention. It is, thus far, the only thing I’ve seen to report any sort of conclusion or imminence.

That said, I do know it’s been topical for a good amount of time, so it’s possible something happens — in one way or another — soon.  Anything else I provided was simply meant in the “what if it’s true?” manner.

But seriously, what if it’s true?)