The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

I wish more suffering on the DePaul students

(Thank you and congratulations to those of you who contributed to the open post. Very good, very funny. Speaking of …)

I do. Nothing against the Blue Demons, who have a few nice players and on Tuesday night just wouldn’t quit, which seemed to bother WVU as much as anything else the opponent did.

And nothing against the students I wish more suffering on, either.

I just enjoyed my baseline seat in front of the student section. I want others to enjoy it, too. Those kids are so worn down by losing, so warped by something below even mediocrity that they’re actually the best part of the Allstate Arena experience.

Da’Sean Butler hit a 3 just 18 seconds in, but as he was shooting, one student yelled, “Layup!” On the next possession, Butler shot again and someone shouted, “6-0!” before the shot went it. The WVU bench laughed and someone said, “Don’t laugh, West! You may get in tonight!”

– Krys Faber, who the students seem to rather dislike, fouled Butler and sent the game to the under-16 timeout: “Come on, at least foul him hard.”

– Mike Stovall, shooting 37.5 percent from the floor, was dribbling and clearly looking for a shot: “Come on, Stovall! Shoot that fall-away! (Stovall shot .. and missed) There you go!”

– WVU led 20-4 with 11:42 left in the first half: “Running clock?”

– Wellington Smith made a jumper to counter Will Walker’s 3 and made it 22-7: “I’m transferring.”

– After halftime, DePaul turned the ball over and WVU was about to start a fast break when a WVU player was fouled. Devin Ebanks kept going and dunked after the whistle: “Nice move, showoff. ‘Hey, look at me. I’m eight feet tall and I can dunk!'”

– Early in the second half, the students started running down WVU’s roster and demanded to know where Kenny Ross was. Joe Mazzulla informed them Ross wasn’t with the team. Big mistake. The students had a new friend and kept on Mazzulla, who didn’t ignore the attention. At the under-16 timeout, WVU’s reserves got up to huddle on the floor with the rest of the team: “Mazzulla, that’s as close as you’re getting to the court!” He laughed and the students kept going.

“Mazzulla. Why aren’t you in the game?”
“I only play in big games.”

The students then chanted for Mazzulla to get into the game.

– Mazzulla, of course, got in and the students had to single out others. They read their roster and shouted out names until Cam Payne flinched. Payne was their new target, but he wouldn’t play along: “Sssh. His head is in the game. He’s important.”

– Danny Jennings wouldn’t bite and when his name was called out he pointed at graduate assistant Kevin Schappell.

– The students then settled on Casey Mitchell:

“Hey, Casey. Why aren’t you in the game?”
“Because I suck.”
“So? So do our guys.”

– And then the death blow: “Mitchell! I’m gonna google you and find nothing.”