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Barry Brunetti is committed to his commitment (update)

Rather than wait until today’s apparent appointment with Oll Stewart, Barry Brunetti, perhaps not suspecting cameras at his high school, announced Monday he will indeed head to WVU.

“It’s a home away from home,” the 6-foot, 205-pound Brunetti said of WVU. “I kind of wanted to just make the visits. My mom wanted me to make the visits and look around and make sure I picked the right school.”

To review, Brunetti tells WVU in June he’s in, visits Mississippi State earlier this month, visits Louisville over the weekend as he’s named Parade Magazine All-American, appeases mom, cements original plan to be with the Mountaineers. So much for today’s “Inside Barry Brunetti’s Living Room” post …

(Update: Check out Brunetti’s explanation of the process and his reaction to the way the news developed.)