The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

It starts like this

roopoo said:

Reports are that Devine and Sanders will be back. We shall see and I won’t breath easier until the deadline comes and goes!

I’ve read said reports and I’ve talked to some people and the consensus is this:


There was a team meeting last night and I am told by a few different people both Noel and Jock — as well as everyone who would be of significance to next year’s team  — were in attendance. I’m not delivering some urgent news to you. It merely coorborates what I’m seeing and hearing everywhere else.

What does that mean? Not a lot. Honestly, it doesn’t. It’s a good sign, but really doesn’t mean much more than Pat Eger or Curtis Feigt showing up for the meeting. At least that’s the impression I was left with after a few phone calls last night. As I understand things, there have been no sit-downs between players and Stewart about NFL futures. That’ll have to wait a few more days until Stewart returns from the AFCA convention. (3:10 p.m. update: Was just told there was a change of plans and Stewart didn’t go to the convention because of weather. My bad. Apparently assistants are in attendance, though.)

Granted, the time and the sit-downs might not stop anyone from making up his mind to stay or go, but you probably won’t see anything from WVU about decisions for a few more days.

Prepare yourself for some “I saw Noel in class today!” news as well and prepare yourself to digest that similarly. 

To say anything is definite yet is a little — just a little — premature. If you want to/have to exit with a hunch, lean toward the positive. There would be a different message if players weren’t at the meeting or in class.