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Friday Feedback

Welcome to the Friday Feedback, which is just now finding its fastball after the disjointed week away at the Gator Bowl — and that goodness that’s over … now I get to mush through the snow up I-79 to the airport and then fly to South Bend.

I’m not at all sad the relationship with the Gator dissolved. It’s a good enough game with nice enough accommodations and such, but, logistically speaking, I can do without the town. I’m thinking the Big East traded up with the Champs Sports and Orlando and an ACC opponent. The Gator, meanwhile, gets middling Big Ten team vs. tertiary SEC team.

With the exception of recruiting, NFL draft and coaching staff news, it’s basketball from here until whenever the men’s and women’s teams wrap up play in the NCAA Tournaments. Two pretty compelling groups, too. The women are good and one could argue they have perhaps arrived a year early. Are they going to beat UConn or Notre Dame or at least get an invitation to be considered at that level this season? Likely not, but it’s a competitive bunch.

The men can look like a No. 1 seed and a Final Four contender, but also a bunch that can drop a game in a bad matchup no matter the site or stage of the season. I just have a feeling the pieces are falling into place there. Maybe Rutgers was the beginning of something, maybe it’s a bit away still, but once eight or nine guys accept roles and responsibilities and figure things out and maybe one or two guys gets hot, WVU can take off and go places. Then again, a number of things can get in the way.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, dress the part

Bill said:

I just don’t get this guy. I listen to and read his interviews and he goes off on these tangents and rambles about things that don’t make sense or aren’t relevant to the question he was asked.

After being on the fence for two years about Coach Stew, my final conclusions are: great mentor, good players coach, not a details guy, not doing enough to fix all the little things that should be fixed at this point in the season. He’s just not as sharp as he needs to be for WVU to be an elite program and now we are losing some of our best assistants. I hope we can find exiting replacements. Who we do find to fill these slots will tell me a lot.

I’m legitimately worried about our future under his healm. And I’m worried because we’ll probably lose the last of our super elite players in the backfield this year (Devine) and I’m not seeing many potential candidates to replace them. Let’s face it, White, Slaton, Schmitt and Devine carried us the past few years.

Not sure how I can help ease your worries — sounds like “Wait and see!” isn’t a good elixir — but I can tell you some FSU media, which covers Bowden on a daily basis, found Stewart’s presser to be quite fun.

overtheSEC said:

Bill, I’m with you on several of those points but my bigger concern isn’t disappearing talent, it’s a disappearing scheme and a pathetic offense. Mullen can’t say that this is an offense that got better as the season went on. We scored more than 30 points once this year in conference play, and that was against Syracuse! At least after last season we were able to look at the 450 yards of offense in the Car Care Bowl and see what Mullen’s offense “could” look like. I don’t buy that the plays aren’t there, I just don’t know why they’re not being called or being executed well.

Why, it seemed as if the plays in the first half were called by one person and the plays in the second half were called by someone else.

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:

At the convention, I am suggesting that Stew should hit the 8:00 – 8:50 Session – Special Teams: Pete Lee, Shippensburg University on Sunday, Jan. 10! Possible break-out session on kick-off coverage…

I suppose that’s a — what’s that?

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:

My bad, there are several other special teams sessions scheduled throughout the convention. If he could hit a few, that would be great…


Michael said:


Hmmm. I assume that we should not infer anything from your very specific post regarding hirings/ firings, right?

“Also, don’t expect any firings or anything dramatic, like hiring an OL coach and moving Dave Johnson to FB/TE.”

I guess it safe to assume will not see a new OC or Special Teams hire either.

I could be wrong. If WVU finds an amazing OL coach out there and it’s a perfect fit and Dave Johnson is open to the move, then it happens. I just can’t see that happening. There’ll be no new O.C., either. As for the special team’s coordinator, well, he won’t be fired, but to be very honest and very fair, something has to change. Someone? I didn’t say that. But something has to be different next year. I don’t know the solution, but one must be searched for and, ideally, found. The kickoff return defense has been a problem and often at the worst imaginable times for two years now. The Gator Bowl was over once Greg Reid, who was not supposed to return a kick all game, returned the second half’s opening kick 69 yards. 

Sam said:

Maybe we ought to face facts: WVU’s heyday was Pat White’s career, and things are likely to revert back to where they were before his career began.

I don’t think we’re quite there yet. There’s a lot of young talent that is waiting its chance. Now, if in two years you have the same thought, please remind me and I’ll march in step.

Gordo said:

I agree that Devine should’ve carried the ball more, but no one can deny that our passing game, namely Jock, was MIA.

Good point. And let’s clear up one thing. FSU does have a first-day NFL Draft talent at cornerback in Patrick Robinson. He’s the guy who chased down Devine on the long run. Patrick Robinson, while a good player, was not the one covering Jock Sanders.

Karl said:

I don’t accept that at all. WVU has greater resources than any other football program in the Big East. If you’re not in the mix for the Big East title (and therefore, a BCS game) most seasons, then you’re underachieving.

Imagine eight drivers lining up for a drag race. One of the cars is built faster than any of the others. But when the race goes off, he keeps losing. You can’t blame anything but the driver.

I’m under no illusions that WVU is a USC, Texas or Florida. But to revert back to the 7-5 type seasons of the late-Nehlen era in this current Big East would be totally unacceptable.

I’m with you on the resources being the best. Now, though, WVU is not in possession of a lot of the conference’s other bests as it once was.

rekterx said:

I missed the Stew quote on Sowers the first time around. Stew actually said that Sowers was playing because he is a great American? 

Yes he did. That’s why I’m here.

Sam said:

Black uniforms will definitely fix the point guard problems!

(If we’re going to change uniforms, bring back those old school ones we wore a couple of years ago when honoring Jerry West. Those were sweet.)

I have to ask … did the black unis cure the point guards? Also, I’m totally in favor of the throwbacks. Every game. The color is impetuous. Where I used to work, they instituted a dress code — presumably because Johannes Herber would only explain Double Quickie Potato to someone in a sports jacket  — and there was only one condition under which I wouldn’t have been irate: Powder blue.

Jeff in Akron said:

Robert Sands could be the best safety to wear a WVU uniform since Tom Pridemore in the mid seventies. Sands is bigger and faster than Pridemore. Although, in his day Pridemore was big and fast for a safety.

For the record, Pridemore wore number 22, Robert Sands wears number 2.

In any football generation, Pridemore was a beast. Number 22 layed people out. The problem was that the teams he played on weren’t very good. Sure he played on the 75 Peach Bowl team. But 76, and 77 were 5-6 years. If Robert Sands is to be “The Star” of the team, that may not bode well for the team’s record.

For me, Tom Pridemore in football, and Bob Huggins in basketball is the reason I am a WVU lifer. I was fortunate to witness both play regularly.

Pridemore owned the secondary. If Robert Sands can play anywhere near the level that Pridemore played, definitely worth the price of a ticket.

Well, I honestly never would have made that comparison, but I suppose that’s why you’re here. I’ll buy it. I suppose the point we’re all trying to make is Sands, like Pridemore before him, has the potential to be quite memorable.

overtheSEC said:

Our defensive secondary is littered with Athletes and converted QBs (Hogan, Sowers, Tandy). It’s worth noting that Sands was recruited as a safety.

I know. It makes no sense!

Foul Shot said:

How about WVU gets some linebackers and defensive lineman who match Sands’ talent? By the time you get to the safety, the runners have already gained about 8 yards.

Jeff Casteel, Gator Bowl postgame, on the play of Robert Sands: “When they’re getting back to Robert, that becomes the problem.”

Dave said:

I’m not sure I understand why making the use of Devine’s talent in a tricky matter. Is the plan to abandon such a back?

The guy has x-number of 70 yard runs during his time and has frankly, saved our butts many times. We’re going find it hard to accommodate him so we can put the ball in the hands of a sophomore QB?

No one’s sure why it’s been so hard for WVU to make the most of Devine. That was the point. If Devine goes, WVU can be rid of that pesky little issue of utilizing its best player in the best (and most?) ways possible.

StraightOuttaNorthCentral said:

You think Liz would mind if we refered to her as “F.B. Repella” from now on?

I don’t care. We’re doing it.

rekterx said:

We can hope that the light has come on for Truck. But the way this team, and the guards in particular, play in March will be the true tell-tale sign of this team getting it together or not.

I had a coach tell me once there are three keys to postseason play: 1) Seniors. 2) Guards. 3) Senior guards. WVU has two of the three.

Sam said:

Can’t we just give Mazzulla some aspirin before each game? If he’s firing on all cylinders, we’ll be great. If. If. If.

Or maybe novocaine? I’d love to follow Mazzulla around the day after a game. I won’t say he wasn’t doing this before and maybe it just didn’t seem as obvious, but lately, when the heat has been on the point guards, he’s really put himself out there. He has to be in sheer agony the day after … and I will say this: Those guys rally around no one like they rally around Mazzulla. 

The Artist Formerly Known as EER96 said:


Any chance Smith handles the kick-offs? Lord knows WVU needs someone to kick the darn ball into the endzone and he certainly can! This way, WVU doesn’t need to worry about kick-off coverage and Stew can spend more time on other areas…

It’s possible. Corey Smith has a big leg and that’s a position of need. Also, with Bitancurt locked in at PK and Pugnetti the likely punter — I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised there — I’m sure WVU would prefer not to let Smith’s scholarship go to waste. If that’s his thing, that’s his thing.

oklahoma mountaineer said:


Rumor that I’ve heard is going around Morgantown is that Doc’s replacement may have the last name Bowden or Trickett. If that’s true, do you see Trickett’s kid changing his commitment from the garnett and gold to another shade of gold…..???

Can you confirm/deny this rumor?

Erroneous! I assume you mean Tommy Bowden. He’s not interested. If you mean Terry, he’s only interested in becoming a head coach. If you mean Bobby … well, all bets are off. As for Trickett, that’s not happening. First, he rather likes it there, where he has a multi-year guaranteed contract and makes nice money. He’s also really tight with Jimbo. Additionally, there’s a strong feeling FSU isn’t far from a return to glory. Why leave?

Karl said:

Very interesting stuff. A few observations:

1) It suprises me you don’t envision Tavon Austin becoming our featured RB. He was highly recruited at that position.
2) Speaking of highly recruited, it also surprises me you don’t see Jenkins and Heastie claiming their positions outright at this juncture.
3) I really, really hope Stew & Co. open up the QB position for a fair competion this spring. Eugene Smith hasn’t been close to good enough to be deemed any kind of heir apparent.
4) The best players on this team might be Bob Sands and Tyler Bitancurt.
5) This team might not be very good.

I like lists. Let’s go …

1) I think it could and maybe even should happen, but I think The Poet would have to beat out Sanders first and I don’t think he would. I also don’t think Sanders will be the RB. Take one or both out of the slot and there’s virtually no one there.
2) Jenkins had a rough year, but I’ll allow for a comeback. Heastie enrolled in January and took a redshirt. Sorry, but that doesn’t speak well for his reputation right now … and it’s not like WVU was deep at outside receiver.
3) I don’t want to convey the point it’ll be handed to Eu. It’ll be open and probably quite competitive, but at the end I think it’s too much to ask Brunetti or Johnson to start as true freshmen when Eu has a year ahead of them.
4) Agreed.
5) We’ll see.

SheikYbuti said:

Two quick observations: (1) I can’t believe how young our offense is going to be; and (2) How could so many people have been so wrong about Josh Jenkins?

StraightOuttaNorthCentral said:

“How could so many people have been so wrong about Josh Jenkins?”

Lots of people are very wrong about prospects all the time. See: Gwaltney, Jason.

EersNC said:

Jenkins has been pushed around all year, symptomatic of our struggles from the get-go. He needed to be redshirted last year, but we had no depth then, either. He needs to build strength and get some nastiness to his demeanor. Otherwise he won’t play.

It’s really unfortunate what happened to Jenkins last year. He was playing nicely when his patella gave out on him. So who knows what growth he missed out on and how he was affected experiencing that growth while starting and playing every snap this season. It was a rough year … but the kid is talented. He’s got the size and the tools. Johnson just wants more consistency, which typically comes with experience.

Country Roads said:

I find it interesting that Leslie is listed, but Long is not.

Well, good. This was supposed to be interesting. I wrestled with that one, but I believe if Leslie get here — and if Long gets here; that’s a factor, too — Leslie has the edge. Hey, at that position, there’s room for bodies.

Jeff said:

I’m missing something. Why do we have “more incentive to pass the ball than run it next season?” Pass blocking was a huge problem this year and the passing game was poor as a result. We really haven’t had a vertical threat at receiver since Chris Henry. No one on the roster has demonstrated that ability yet. Running was a strength this year and with everyone that’s returning, it should remain one next year.

WVU, by my two-deep constitution, has more incentive to pass than to run because there are more/better receivers than there are runners. Also, because of the struggles on the OL you mentioned, there could be some changes which might improve pass blocking.

Homer said:

If that’s the roster, Jock Sanders will be the starting tailback.

Possible, but I happen to disagree. For starters, Jock’s future in the NFL, if one is to exist, is not in a backfield. Second, take him out of the slot and there are even fewer options at a thin position.

charlie said:

um, I would guess Jock will get a long hard look at tailback.

OK, he gets a look. But what does RB look like then? Jock, Hargrett, Alston and Clark. What does slot look like? Not as good. That position has been really, really important through the years. To have the offense as evenly strong as possible, Jock is a slot receiver. He can play some RB, but he won’t be there exclusively.

Erinn said:

Can we call Chris Snook “Snookie” and what do we call Quantavious Leslie? Also, is Will Clarke someone you will be excited about?

Snookie it is! Also, what could you possibly want to call a kid named Quantavious other than Quantavious? I might start calling Ryan Nehlen Quantavious just because. Thirdly, I watched Will Clarke throw and catch passes for 10 minutes at a Gator Bowl practice. He’s a specimen. I have no idea if he can play, but he passes all the eyeball tests.

Josh said:

Curious as to why you left Finau off of the two deep. From what I’ve heard, he’s enrolled and will be ready for spring ball.


Birch said:

Where’s Bigfoot?

drlove said:

Where is Tevita Finau?

Those two came across only seconds apart. This guy is amazing.

Dave said:

“Where’s Bigfoot?”

Rumor is that he enrolled this semester so he could transfer.

Enjoy the weekend!