The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Do not trick Noel Devine

Maybe the uneventful nature of this bowl gathering is starting to get to us. Noel was discussing his trouble getting tickets for the 20 or so family members he says will attend the game, including his grandmother, who has never seen him play live in college.

It’s a tricky process to procure leftover tickets allotted to teammates, especially for a game in Florida when so many players are from the state and trying to get their hands on extras of their own.

I asked, no doubt stupidly, about the situation.

“Noel, how do you get tickets? Do you go to guys on the team from, like, Pennsylvania or whatever and say, ‘Hey, can I have your extras?’ How doe sit work.”

“You know. You just asked me the question and you answered it.”


“Well, I didn’t know. Is it working or are the guys hogging them?”

“Most players are good about it and give them up if they’re not using them.”

At this point Dave Hickman swooped in.

“Did any of them charge you for it?”

“Nah. What are you all trying to get me? A violation?”