The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

This is Florida, right?

The high temperature for the week, I’m told, will be 59 degrees this afternoon. I find this disturbing and I am not alone.

Chris Neild thought it’d be much warmer and brought with him one hooded sweatshirt. Many of his WVU teammates are without coats and will bundle up underneath jackets. Some plan to stay inside as much as possible. You wouldn’t believe the number of Mountaineers who practiced in sweatshirts, sweatpants and sweatsuits Monday.

We’re in Florida and there are palm trees and beaches all around us. This just doesn’t feel quite like Florida — and, no, I do not expect your sympathy. Feel for Jarrett Brown, though.

A gravely voice and the constant clearing of his throat and sinuses triggered a question: “Are you sick?”

See, Pat White was good for at least one really good illness a year. It was either so severe or he was so bogged down by it you had to wonder if he could play or play effectively. JB, by and large, has had a robust immune system. He is, for now, at least, getting over “the sniffles.”

“It’s from switching the weather, man,” he said. “It’s not easy.”

Brown left WVU’s practices the 23rd and went home to West Palm Beach, Fla., that evening. He soaked up the sunshine and temperatures in the 70s for a few days before meeting up with the Mountaineers the 26th.

“I’m just getting over it,” he said. “I had it in West Virginia. I thought it’d go away. But this is north Florida. It’s not south Florida. It’s not this bad in
Palm Beach.”