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The ballad of Bobby and Buzz

It’s on! Oh, WVU v. Marquette might not seem like much of a rivalry. They’ve played only four times — and just once a year — since the Warriors entered the Big East for the 2005-06 season. The games just haven’t been close and if you’re a WVU fan you might say only one is memorable — and, really, who can forget the ridiculous shooting in 2006?

But last year’s game should not be forgotten.

Marquette won when it pulled away late and the Mountaineers were done in by Da’Sean Butler’s foul trouble and Truck Bryant’s worst game yet. What really bugged Bob Huggins, though, was the manner with which the Warriors won.

Which is to say, they lacked manners.

The Golden Eagles cheered and smiled and generally rubbed WVU the wrong way, although it also must be said WVU did very little to discourage such behavior in the last eight minutes of the game and contributed to their shame.

Yet Huggins, who often mentions he’s coached close to 900 games and has seen and can handle just about everything, hadn’t said anything quite like this since returning to his alma mater last season.

“When people are laughing at you, I take offense to that,” Huggins said. “What goes around comes around. We have to remember that.”

The occasion to deliver comeuppance is 7 p.m. tomorrow.