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Noel, Noel the junior will stay

If you are to take Noel Devine at his word — and that’s something he seems to have asked for throughout his time at WVU — then he’d like you to believe him when he says he plans on playing for the Mountaineers next season.

“If I hear something, maybe (not), but other than that, right now my mindset is focused on coming back and winning a national championship, to be honest with you,” he said. “This next game could mean a lot (to encourage him to explore the NFL), but I don’t know that. Right now, my mindset is to come back. I think we’ll be so much better next year than this year.”

I know, I know. We’ve heard this all before.

Maybe he runs wild against Florida State and enough people get in his ear and say the right things — all of which is possible — and he changes his mind. There’s enough going on in his life to put that option in play and I don’t think anyone could hold it against him.

See, I’m of the opinion another season doesn’t really change too much of the book on Devine. He is who he is and right now there’s a place for a player of his talent and ability. The place where that sort of player is drafted is somewhat defined and won’t change dramatically if he were to come back and run for 2,000 yards … or 750. He’s not going to grow three inches and gain 30 pounds and become a totally different player with a totally different ceiling.

That said, he has goals to achieve at WVU and he says he is not yet the player he wants to be — and, presumably, he isn’t readying himself for flag football with his kids. So in that regard, the idea of him coming back and getting better — look at his strides this season — is plausible. I think Chris Beatty is a big factor in all of this, too. See: Slaton, Steve.

Other news and notes:

– No word on any additions to the staff, but a current contender is Pat Kirkland, who will coach fullbacks and tight ends in for the bowl. You may remember him as Tony Gibson’s pinch hitter in the Fiesta Bowl. I remember the staff was pretty excited to get Kirkland as a G.A. years back and people are probably underestimating his background. As the high school relations guy, he rode shotgun with Doc Holliday on a number of recruiting things. WVU could do worse.

– Though Kirkland has more of a defensive background, it’s valuable for the Mountaineers in bowl preparations. He coordinated a defense similar to FSU’s while at Glenville and he can help the offensive staff understand how the defense will react to various things the offense intends to do.

– Kirkland could be in the booth with offensive coordinator Jeff Mullen for the game, as was Holliday. Mullen said offensive line coach Dave Johnson, who coached tight ends for years at Georgia, will do some blocking related tight end/fullback stuff in practice. Wide receivers coach Lonnie Galloway will handle receiving related stuff.

– WVU will receive grades tomorrow and learn the eligibility status of its roster for the bowl game. Words is one problem may arise and cost the defense a starter.

– Bill Stewart is pleased with recruiting, which has heated up in my absence.

“Recruiting is going well,” said Stewart, who cannot specifically comment on unsigned prospects. “I’ve been pleased with where recruiting is at now and where it’s going to continue to go. We’ve had some great additions to the Mountaineer program the last week or so and we’ll continue to get more great additions to the Mountaineer program in the weeks to come. I’m very excited that our coaches haven’t missed a beat.”