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The unusual graduate, Joe Mazzulla

I say “unusual” because the kid’s been through a lot. There was a point in time when, to be perfectly honest, no Mazzulla news would have been too surprising. To get this news, though, was a little unexpected.

Say what you will about the cause of some of his trouble and the way he’s handled himself through the years, but he graduated Sunday after 3 1/2 years when, I think it’s fair to say, many people wondered if he’d be around or able to do such a thing.

Oh, yes, his degree is a little unusual, too.  

He’s officially the recipient of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. The curriculum, as the title suggests, encourages students to study a variety of topics on the way to three minors.

Mazzulla’s minors? Spanish, business and sports exercise psychology.

“I’m going to coach and recruit guys from Spain and deal with people as mentally unstable as I am,” the 6-foot-2, 200-pound guard said.