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MMQ hurries to aide of 9-3 football coach

I wonder what Bill Stewart would think of this.

Unloved Coaches of the Year (If Not Beyond):

Bill Stewart, West Virginia. The Monday Morning Quarterback would want a son to play for this man. Yes, he has a considerable share of coaching weaknesses – game management and fourth-down decision making stand out – but is there a better person working a sideline in all of major college football? Stewart bathes his players in mental sunshine, and breathes confidence into a locker room.

Omitted? His hair, when woven properly, incubates premature babies.

The blurb goes on a little more and asks a question I imagine would drive Stwart crazy  …

Listen up, Old Gold and Blue backers: Would you rather be winning 11 games with Rich Rodriguez, or maintaining your dignity and winning nine games with Bill Stewart?

Hmmm, neat existential dilemma thrown at your feet there. Think it over … though I’ve already got your answer. It’s the only answer.


I can’t speak for Stewart, but I think this is kind of embarassing to him and others who are like him. Why does the separation have to exist? Can a great person not be a great coach? And what of vice versa? Why is there this general assumption that winners are … well, I can’t find a word to publish, but you get the idea. Why is it assumed Stewart can’t win big because he smiles big?

I’ll go in another direction, too. Why can’t fans hold a nice guy — be it Stewart or Randy Edsall or even Greg Robinson — to the highest of standards? What’s wrong with expecting a football coach to win games?  What’s wrong with wanting that and wanting a guy to be decent?

I don’t think that’s a lot to ask or expect and I think Stewart would agree. Hell, that’s his M.O.