The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Is it time for a PSA?

NCMountaineer said:

This is a sad day in the history of the blog. This blog is the only place left where thoughtful, rational Mountaineer fans can come and discuss all issues WVU. There have been plenty of disagreements, but its always respectful. If somebody disagrees with a coach or a decision, regular contributors to the blog don’t go on childish rants, curse, or resort to name-calling.

The same garbage that almost make the articles on the main page unreadable have somehow leaked here. I’m sure that the people on the recruiting sites’ message boards will welcome you with open arms. Those sites are overrun with like-minded people.

Mike, I know that you really can’t do much about it, but I hope your blog can stay above that kind of nonsense. You do a great job with the blog, and I’m sure everyone here is very appreciative of the work you put into it.

I think it was thacker that posted that “The fan base is this athletic program’s largest albatross.” Couldn’t agree more…

Here’s an example of a respectful disagreement: I can do something about it. I’ve operated this thing with one rule. Everyone is welcome to contribute so long as the contributions are welcome. It’s never been a problem.

Yesterday, in one post in particular, we went in a new and strange direction. I don’t censor or edit comments. I don’t encourage or discourage comments. I don’t because I don’t want to. Not that it’d be hard, but it’d make it far less genuine. This has always been open to anyone and everything and contributions always made it a pretty neat place to acquire and discuss your sports news.

Some of the stuff yesterday — and I’m not talking about being critical of Stewart and the program or questioning how I do my job — needs to go away. You can ask questions of, raise issues about or openly critique and make fun of the things we follow. Please, though, do it with a certain maturity. People — and I mean “People” — read this and take some of the stuff pretty seriously because it’s rational and thoughtful. It can make you think or laugh or nod your head in agreement or disagreement. This just isn’t a place to call commenters names or to call out commenters for one reason or another or act like an raving lunatic. There are places for that. You can take it there and fit right in, but it does not and will not fit here.

Just a reminder: Everyone is welcome to contribute so long as the contributions are welcome.