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Texts from Cincinnati Game Day

Good Monday to you. How about a Yackety Sax-less edition of Texts From Game Day? I’ll let you guess what two specific moments of the game generated the most (emotional) texts.

This will be a game, years from now, remembered for the perplexing fumble/touchdown reversal and the bizarre ending in which WVU decided to go for it on fourth-and-8 after a strange run play on third-and-9 while trailing 21-14 at the Cincinnati 25-yard line.

A few other things stand out, as you’ll see below. I understand this could be the complete opposite of therapeutic, but maybe it’s not. I really hope it helps. When you get that feeling, you want textual healing

(7:48 PM): This place is like our old stadium!

(7:59 PM): Nippert Stadium looks like Pony Lewis Field

(8:04 PM): Jesus hold the wheel! We need a miracle!

(8:11 PM): Yes…great start…collaros is really struggling with 3-3-5

(8:11 PM): Kelly just got too cute but it worked

(8:18 PM): J brown doesn’t understand how to play the QB position – a quick 4 yd curl to a TE on 3-7 isn’t gonna get it done.

 (8:27 PM): One of wvu’s few chances tonight is to turn TO’s into points – 1 for 1

(8:33 PM): How the hell do you get an illegal formation on a kickoff?

(8:33 PM): FIRE the special teams coach NOW

(8:35 PM): What. The. [Heck]? How DO YOU DO THAT TWICE?!?!

(8:36 PM): Did we just get two cconsecutive illegal formation penalties on a kick off? Who is coaching them?

(8:36 PM): I started to send a gameday text but figured I would allow the rest of our fans to ask the question: what the ?!$@ is stewart doing on special teams

(8:42 PM): 2 penalties on the kickoff for the exact same basic infraction…who coaches our special teams? I forget

(8:49 PM): Ah. I love watching a rousing game of flag football.

(8:59 PM): Do we have another runaway beer truck?

(9:00 PM): Runaway beer truck-esque!

(9:00 PM): Did you see jarrett brown call the TD as soon as Clarke broke the line of scrimmage? so good

(9:00 PM): Now THATS Bill Stewart football!!!!!!! Go Ryan Clarke!!!!!

(9:04 PM): My 9 year old thinks this is the worst kickoff coverage he has ever seen

(9:09 PM): Turnovers are great when you are the one creating them!!!!!!

(9:09 PM): IF we score here, is cincy in trouble? I say yes

(9:09 PM): Uh oh. This is going to be a TD

(9:12 PM): There is an official who looks like john beilein!

(9:12 PM): That’s the worst [flipping] call ever

(9:13 PM): Wow what is the point of replay if they are ruling from the booth and making their own interpretation! I thoght it had to be indisputable!!!!!!

(9:13 PM): Total [bullsnot]

(9:13 PM): [Horseshoes]

(9:13 PM): Friday night curse?

(9:13 PM): That call was a total hose job by the referees on the goal line. THAT SUCKS

(9:14 PM): On one hand I’m totally stunned they overturned that. On the other I’m impressed billy didn’t applaud that call. 

(9:15 PM): I’d feel better if Stew flipped out over that [stuff]. Oh well

(9:18 PM): I’m insane with anger

(9:18 PM): I think a good gameday response from mike would be to post the address of the head of officiating for big east football – do us all a favor

(9:19 PM): Just saw a sign : “Bearcat fever is the new swine flu.” Does that make sense?

(9:21 PM): I miss rick trickett.

(9:22 PM): Sorry for the delay. Had to put my phone together after I threw it across the room. [Bogus] call

(9:23 PM): Big East trying to steer its undefeated team to BCS? May be the worst overturn I’ve ever seen.

(9:29 PM): Stew pockets two more timeouts to consume for halftime nourishment. Don’t you need to keep taking it to cincy?

(9:31 PM): I get the feeling Tony pike will be playing second half.

(9:32 PM): I hope that replay turns into a footnote and not a Matt tafoni type pass interference we’re talking about 17 years later.

(9:44 PM): UC gets ball in 3rd. That sequence will be huge. Special teams coach for WVU fightin for his job

(9:55 PM): The head referee looks eerily like John Beilein

(9:58 PM): That’s like 8 straight plays directly at Brandon “perlo” hogan

(10:00 PM): All the catches on the first drive in the second half were to the man Brandon hogan was suppose to be covering

(10:10 PM): Who’ll matter more to the outcome? Hogan or devine

(10:16 PM): They cant stop devine

(10:18 PM): Ride that old Mine mule!

(10:20 PM): I love Noel but why a run on 2nd and 19

(10:27 PM): Im pretty sure i could [simply] dominate each member of our o line.

(10:44 PM): 3rd and 9 Jock…. Speechless

(10:44 PM): [Forget] these [disappointing] coaches…thats the worst playcall ever

(10:45 PM): Why dont we have an o line?

(10:45 PM): That was some of the dumbest coaching I have ever seen.

(10:45 PM): Did we seriously run up the middle on third and nine??

(10:46 PM): That drive was lost on 3rd and 9 when we went to Sanders up the gut?

(10:47 PM): I swear every time I would kick a fg he goes for it and every time I would go for it , he punts

(10:48 PM): third and 9…let’s run it up the middle. fourth and 8…let’s not hit a single wide open receiver and not try a fg with 530 left…that’s quality play calling. are we playing madden?

(10:57 PM): I don’t have the words anymore. Completely mismanaged game. I liked controlling the ball but you can’t be scared to pass.

(10:59 PM): Wish we had Theron Ellis about now

(11:00 PM): Dumbfounding.

(11:06 PM): Do I even want to start on Oll Stewart for not kicking the fg last drive? Sigh

(11:10 PM): I would have rather lost like usf did last nite

(11:17 PM): Lets see how defensive he gets answering questions why no FG

(11:22 PM): That field goal woulda been nice on 4 and 8. Nice time to decide to be bold and go for it.

(11:26 PM): At Phoenix airport. no respect for mountaineer football. Everyone talking about what the program WAS. Not a good sign

(11:40 PM): Post this…At what point do we stop accepting mediocrity? The wvu football team boosts state economics and gives us as a state something to be proud of

(11:42 PM): Its being eviscerated quite quickly. 3 losses and easily 5 losses is not acceptable. The head coach showed his competence on the back to back kick

(11:44 PM): And the OC showed his decision making process while running it on 3rd and 9 and then not kicking the FG on 4th down – neither of which should have happened