The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

You got me thinking

The season-long events of the football team, to say nothing of recent changes to the season ticket policy, and the debut this weekend of the men’s basketball season, to say nothing of yesterday’s little revelation about seating inside the Coliseum, made me ask myself a simple question.

I share it with you today.

Suppose you’ve saved and scrounged some money, won a small lotto, came upon an ATM spitting out money and managed to generate enough to buy season tickets for a WVU season.

The amount you saved is relative to your personal situation — ie, you and your significant other, you and your spouse and kids, you and your kid(s) because mommy/daddy hates sports, you and your neighbor, just you, so on and so forth — and covers enough for football OR men’s basketball.

Disqualify yourself from this discussion if, for example, it’s you and your spouse, but your spouse hates football and you’d never waste money on something said spouse hates.

However, if you and your father-in-law both love football and basketball and therefore have a tough decision to make, then you’re a party to this discussion.

Make sense?

Now competely remove the travel variable. This is so we can involve everyone still eligible. Basically, pretend you live in Morgantown or somewhere close enough that you can make it to every home game in either sport and weeknight basketball games are no longer an issue.

So you must now take everything relevant and recent into consideration — and I do mean everything — and ask yourself, “Football tickets or basketball tickets?”

One or the other. Not both. Which is it? Why?