The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

A sideline about the sideline Sunday

If you can, get a good, long look at the Loyola (Md.) head coach, Jimmy Patsos, in Sunday’s season opener. Accomplished, capable, demonstrative and quite a character.

You’ll remember last year when Steph Curry was scoreless and squeezed off just three shots in an easy win? That was against Loyola’s triangle-and-double team commissioned by Jimmy Patsos.

“We had to play against an NBA player tonight,” Patsos explained. “Anybody else ever hold him scoreless? I’m a history major. They’re going to remember that we held him scoreless or we lost by 30?”

Patsos took a ton of heat for that and managed to dutifully defend himself against the attacks of many, in particular the hosts of PTI. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but he’s a guy I’d like to have on the bench.

That is, provided he can stay there.