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Texts from Louisville Game Day

Another game, another edition of Texts From Game Day that is wholly representative of the game and the season.

That was not pretty Saturday. In fact, it was pretty bad. In WVU’s postgame interviews, a lot of the players spilled the “We’ll take the win” mantra, but their attitude, their demeanor said something else. They, too, weren’t quite happy with that. The win? Sure. The overall? Nope.

I suppose that given all the injuries within the game it is a good thing WVU has the win rather than the alternative, but this is a team with very little momentum and very few things to feel good about going into this season-defining stretch. Maybe the Mountaineers can outscore Cincinnati, which does appear to have a few defensive concerns right now. Trouble is, WVU’s offense is vanishing before our eyes.

WVU passed for 879 yards the first three games and has 1,030 in the past six. The Mountaineers have passed for more than 205 just once in the past six and managed just 100 against the Cardinals. 

WVU averaged 208.5 rushing yards the first four games, but is getting just 159.8 in the past five. A team that started the season scoring 33, 35, 30, 35 and 34 points has followed with 24, 28, 19 and 17.

Louisville, which had allowed 114 points and 1,353 yards in three Big East losses, was supposed to give WVU a break. The Cardinals, starting a third-string quarterback and running back, playing for a coach who is not guaranteed tomorrow, instead gave the Mountaineers trouble.

Just bought a Cadillac, throw some texts on it…

(12:09 PM): Everytime noel returns a kick I worry

(12:25 PM): The crowd is taking a nap.

(12:28 PM): How many coaches in america would have accepted that penalty – 1 stewart

(12:29 PM): I guess stewart can’t bench the offensive line?

(12:37 PM): If urban hadnt tripped jock we woulda had 6. Now a delay of game? Comedy of errors.

(12:39 PM): [Frustrating] delay of game forced us into a pass there – [fickle] no huddle offense that continues to get delay of game penalty

(12:39 PM): Videoboard operator demanding we make noise … Im sorry, but whats the point?

(12:41 PM): Bench brown. Don’t care if he is a senior. Don’t care if it makes him sad. He needs to be on the bench. Start getting geno reps.

(12:41 PM): Well that was an interesting first quarter. On that note; if you need me, I’ll be in the garage with the doors shut and the car running. *grumble*

(12:41 PM): Im stunned. Stunned. That first quarter may be the worst i have ever seen. Ever.

(12:52 PM): Our o line is getting spanked. Repeatedly.

(12:53 PM): Can we please agree that WVU is mediocre and getting closer to being bad with each game?

(12:55 PM): At this point im rooting for louisville.

 (12:57 PM): The only reason im still here is because im still holding out to see if my row is called to win the wv lotto tickets.

(1:04 PM): Um, someone wasnt paying attention to the first down marker. Thanks, Jarrett.

(1:04 PM): Now that you are watching louisville for the first time – as evidenced by your prior prediction – do you feel exposed as a sports writer who only looks at scores or rosters?

(1:06 PM): [FIDDLE STICKS!!] The lotto tickets just went to the row next to me. Im not kidding. I have nothing else to care about here now. (ive nvr been that close)

(1:07 PM): Nice that we’ve coached JB to not even put his shoulder down to pick up a first down. This pro style qb idea wod be okay if we were a pro team, but I’d rather have a good college qb. Hats off to mullen for making a duel threat qb one dimensional.

(1:17 PM): And devine limps to the bench …

(1:19 PM): This is what you mean by mind-blowing usage of/failure to use timeouts?

(1:23 PM): You said Louisville would beat a good team. I ask you ‘does wvu count?’

(1:33 PM): Why am I still here? I beg anyone around me to give me a good reason

(2:00 PM): Small children are cursing the refs.

(2:36 PM): Um. Is lawschool hill on fire? Im covered in ashes ans smoke

(2:44 PM): It was a tree. Someone set a tree on fire outside. We create our own excitement at mtneer field.

(2:45 PM): Our blitzes never get home… Ever!

(2:51 PM): I’m not watching the game. Vowed I wouldn’t after USF. I just saw the score. Won’t watch anymore this year.

(3:01 PM): Ryan j boyd just completely made me forget about stews cowardice. Here cones the rjb good luck.

(3:07 PM): RJB dancing got made me remember our basketball team is really good? I feel less embarassed now. 

(3:10 PM): Ive seen mountain west womens soccer games with more intensity.

(3:21 PM): The Mountaineers win! w00t!! Let the bitching and moaning by so-called fans begin!! (“They only won by 8?!? Fire stew!!”etc)