The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Do not waste your talent before Bill Stewart

So we’ve been talking about personnel this week and whether some people deserve a spot and whether others deserve a shot. Seems like there is incentive to make a change or two or, at the very least, consider the possibility and prepare for the occasion. Certain things could happen in this game Saturday that simply must trigger a consequence.

And so it was this little Bill Stewart snippet from Tuesday’s press conference sure seemed conspicuous by its presence.

“I don’t know if they like me. I don’t really care. I like some of them. Some of them I don’t like, to be brutally honest. I don’t like guys who waste talent. I don’t dislike them as a person, but I don’t like wasted talent. I detest people who waste talent. My fuse for them is very short. I sit them and go to the next person.”