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Kragthorpe cuts loose

So Bill Stewart had an unintentionally interesting choice of words today when in his press conference he said Louisville “has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Our backs are up against the wall.”

I didn’t think much of it. Until later. I’ve been trying to learn about this Will Stein kid who might or might not start at quarterback this week — 54 touchdown passes as a high school senior! — and found a story where Steve Kragthorpe discusses it … and something else

In talking about Stein and his successes despite his 5-foot-10 frame, Kragthorpe also jokingly referred to his own job status.

“I was actually talking to Jon Gruden. He wanted to know how tall Will Stein was,” Kragthorpe said of the former NFLcoach whose name has been buzzing on Internet message boards as a possible replacement for Kragthorpe. “I said 5-foot-7 on a good day.”

I like it. Among the worst kept secrets in the Big East — and there are many to be kept — is the temperature of seat on which Kragthorpe sits. He’s 14-18 in his third season and has only three winning streaks, the longest of which lasted three games. 

He’s been fired at least twice this season, according to reports, one of which said he told his team he was done and would coach out the rest of the season. And now he’s wisecracking about it? Yes! Maybe he’s just having fun and riding it out, but those teams and coaches can be dangerous if and when they have nothing to lose and everything to gain.