The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom


Ah, you remember those, right? Two years ago WVU departed the team buses that took them to Raymond James Stadium for as big a regular-season game as it’d played in a long time wearing Yankees caps.

It remains one of those most inexplicable and indefensible things I’ve ever witnessed from a team I’ve covered. It also backfired and made an otherwise humble group of players look like something they’d tried not to be for quite some time.

It was pretty much the moment the Mountaineers decided to act liked they belonged, only they forgot to act like they’d been there before. Six turnovers, no offense and the recipient of a big-time bully treatment was their response.

For all this time, we simply thought it was the product of The Product’s insinuation his Mountaineers packed road stadiums like baseball’s Yankees. In some weird, warped and wacky way, it did make a speck of sense.

Turns out that wasn’t the design. At all.

The meaning, quarterback Jarrett Brown said, was found in the “N.Y.”

“It stood for ‘Not yet,’ ” the fifth-year senior from West Palm Beach, Fla., said. “We were ranked high and they were saying it was the biggest game they were going to play and they wanted to set their mark with that game.

“We were like, ‘Not yet.’ Whoops.”