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Texts from UConn Game Day

Compact week for West Virginia. Lengthy edition of the Texts from Game Day. I’m not sure what our record was before this week, but whatever it was we hammered it. Sixty-five texts made the cut from the 117 I received. I have no idea if that’s impressive, but I find if you throw numbers out there, people are generally impressed. Six days without an arrest!


Anyhow, fun little game Saturday that again seemed to be in line with the Mountaineers this season — just enough flaws and flurries to drive one crazy. At the end of that day, though, WVU was 6-1, 2-0 in the Big East and clearly in possession of one of the best players in the country. And that’s bad becasue…?

These texts really tied the room together. My edits are in [brackets].

(11:54 AM): There are currently more people on the field than in the student section.

(11:59 AM): Alumnus behind me singing his version of the alma mater: “money, send us your money …”

(12:08 PM): Pretty impressive moment of silence.

(12:11 PM): Um, i dont think tavon feels bad about that

(12:11 PM): TAVON BLEEPIN AUSTIN!!!!!!!!!

(12:11 PM): The Poet, you know it!

(12:12 PM): Sorry jasper

(12:13 PM): And that’s your ball game

(12:14 PM): Tay boogie

(12:18 PM): I feel like teams generally do poorly after returning the openin kick for a TD…

(12:23 PM): Announcer just said, excitedly, that “randy edsall’s going for it on third and three!”….as if he was surprised.

(12:27 PM): I was worried that the Jasper Howard tribute by WVU would be over the top to the point of condescention… But it was actually good…

(12:30 PM): 4 three and outs in 4 game possessions… This is a sweatervest kind of game.

(12:39 PM): Seems like we’re running the Eu offense, we’ve run no motion

(12:42 PM): Wow i saw that INT coming from up here.

(12:42 PM): Hmm…lingering effects?!?!

(12:43 PM): Seriously…what ca brown do for you?…turn it over at any given time or situation

(12:43 PM): That Robert Vaughn is one pain in the ace! I know from experience dude!…Well, not me personally but this guy I know…

(12:55 PM): How any coach can be ok with JB’s ball security issues is beyond me.

(12:55 PM): Jarrett has to let that dribble take him somewhere!

(12:55 PM): Yackety, wait for it….sax

(12:59 PM): reports qb ball security much improved!

(1:04 PM): Can we remind the refs what intentional grounding is?

(1:06 PM): Brown looks very confused

(1:11 PM): Jeff mullen is an absolute magician.

(1:14 PM): I’ve watched uconn a lot thru the years and i dont ever remember them using a video game blitz-every-down defense…

(1:21 PM): 1 row from getting lottery tkts…almost had a legit reason to watch this pop warner team play.

(1:28 PM): He holds the damn ball out two feet from his body every damn time. Freaking scary.

(1:31 PM): Did the defense go to the locker room already

(1:32 PM): UConn has run the same passing play for the entire first half…

(1:33 PM): For [Pete’s] sake! They just showed WVU fans cheering when UConn scored! Can we treat this like a football game?

(1:33 PM): Can we officially declare that WVU is mediocre?

(1:35 PM): Usf is done

(2:07 PM): Just saw Duke is beating Maryland. The Fridge is in trouble.

(2:12 PM): If usf is already in the south, where is it they go when they decided to hibernate every autumn???

(2:17 PM): Great delay of game penalty there [friend]…glad we run a no huddle

(2:18 PM): Barely missed another. Unreal

(2:18 PM): My DVR has to be screwed up because the last ten uconn pass plays have been crossing routes into the holes of WVU’s zone.

(2:20 PM): The 90’s called, they want their “under review” clip art back.

(2:21 PM): Teams can’t beat wvu no matter how bad wvu plays

(2:23 PM): “Stopped at the one” devine has another td vultured.

(2:23 PM): Ummm….clark up the middle is a tad predictable

 (2:34 PM): Two great drives fueled by the rushing game followed by a 3-and-out with 2 passig plays and Brown making the Aaron Brooks face…

(2:38 PM): How do you catch that ball under triple coverage?

(2:43 PM): Stew was asked about Lyons and the “jump” team on FGs on the show on Wed. He said we’d only see them on LONG FGs. What do you call a 45 yarder?

(2:58 PM): If it’s a home game why don’t the video guys replay the play in ? over and over to help the home coaches decide to challenge or not?

(2:58 PM): I had no idea who kent richardson was before that play and i was ok with that

(2:59 PM): I don’t think I’ve ever seen us fumble an interception prior to this year and now we’ve done it twice.

(2:59 PM): That fumble was so foreseeable that it’s not even worth commenting on…

(2:59 PM): Yackety Sax! Please!

(3:03 PM): Is it just me or after tavon’s TD did the entire team assume the attitude “i’ll be out in an hour”?

(3:04 PM): This team is impossible to love…and we are getting closer for it being impossible for me to even like them.

(3:04 PM): Glad the squib kick may very well cost us this game…great coaching

(3:04 PM): Our defense is so inept against the pass an you knew uconn was going to try something desperate… That big pass play was very predictable.

(3:05 PM): Does casteel know the middle of the field exists?

(3:09 PM): I’m gonna be Jarrett Brown for Halloween and just carry a football two feet in front of me all night.


(3:11 PM): My god he’s so good.

(3:12 PM): At what point does #7 get serious heisman talk?

(3:14 PM): Im gonna need a shot for these next two minutes.

(3:15 PM): Spec teams is gonna cause me to [stress] myself

(3:21 PM): Chris Neild: defensive player of the game for kneeling after catching that interception

(3:21 PM): Ugly win.

(3:22 PM): WVU is really not very good but the fans aren’t going to accept it until we lose a few games…

(3:22 PM): We don’t deserve to win at all but i’ll take it…an ugly win is better than a pretty loss