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Here comes The Predator


Remember this guy? Violent runner, dreads swaying, legs firing. It’s Andre Dixon, he of 828 yards and a 5-yard-per-carry average in 2007. As Bill Stewart said, this was the guy. So good was Dixon that Donald Brown was actually the other guy.

Belive it or not Dixon is still at UConn and again the head of a two-headed running monster. This may come as a surprise to many, though, because Dixon was largely invisible last season.

Dixon carried nine times all season and had more yards in one game (38 against Syracuse) than he did all season (37).

“I didn’t see it coming really,” Dixon said. “I thought I was going to play and it was going to be similar to ’07 and we’d definitely split time and make things happen. It just so happened to be a situation where Donald Brown not only outworked me, but pretty much outworked the entire nation.”