The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

This would be one of those “other venues”

Bill Stewart did not get a good look during the game Saturday of the hit that briefly knocked Jarrett Brown unconscious. Stewart got a good look — and likely quite a few times — early Sunday morning during film review of the 24-7 victory.

Bill Stewart: "Let me plead the the fifth on that. Let me not answer that. You know what that means? It's something that's going to be discussed in other venues. But I'm glad you asked me about that. Now the point's been made."
Bill Stewart: "Let me plead the the fifth on that. Let me not answer that. You know what that means? It's something that's going to be discussed in other venues. But I'm glad you asked me about that. Now the point's been made."
Update: J.B. has tweeted!
I’m ok! My concussion was minor. Ha I still remember everything but the hit. Damn they couldve called a helmet to helmet or something!