The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Jay Jacobs is a drag


That’s the golden-throated silver fox who dressed like a curvy co-ed so that he might be picked from the student section to participate in the free-throw shooting contest last night. He lost — and so much more than a contest. A mad man, yes, but  Christina Hendricks, he is not.

Winners last night? John Flowers and the black unis.


We were told these are for special occasions. I just hope Wells keeps the weird sock thing going all year.

How about some dunks?

(If you’re getting to this after 6 p.m. Monday, I’m sorry to tell you you’re late to the party … for now. Due to an unexpected spike in popularity — ie, the possible secondary NCAA violations — the blog exceeded bandwith. Videos tend to do that, so I can’t repost them at this time. I can, however, tell you admittedly superior footage is available on YouTube. Please don’t hate me. Proceed…)

The winner was Mr. Flowers, who seems like a player and person quite comfortable in his skin. Can’t stress how much that matters on a team stacked with personalities.

The five dunkers were Flowers, defending champion Devin Ebanks, junior college player of the year Casey Mitchell, sophomore Truck Bryant and freshman Dalton Pepper. Flowers and Ebanks advanced to the final based on first-round performance.

Ebanks’ first dunk of the final was really nice, but totally caught me off guard. Flowers went first and stole the scene — you’ll see — and Ebanks seemed pretty determined to waste no time and pull an “Oh yeah? Look at this.” It worked. He then partnered with Mitchell, who was trying to bounce a ball off the score board so Ebanks could catch a high bounce and dunk. It took a special timing that didn’t quite hit.

It really didn’t matter, though. Flowers had already won it with a special effort.
