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Bill Stewart appreciates Erin Andrews

Ms. Andrews has been on the sideline for her regular duty this season after a sadly irregular offseason and is only now beginning to talk about things, the way they were and the way they one day might be.

One of her reflections this week as she prepares to head home to Tampa, Fla., for tonight’s Cincinnati-South Florida game was of the “mass confusion” on the WVU sideline last year at Colorado

“There were things on the sideline that I saw,” she said. “I didn’t call out certain people. I told [West Virginia] Coach [Bill] Stewart I wasn’t trying to hurt the program. There were things going on with clock management and with communication with the quarterback. I think he appreciated me being honest. He’s great to me. I think he appreciates my honesty.

“The great part about college football is it’s like Christmas every week. You don’t know what you’re going to get every week. It’s like what’s going to happen this weekend? No one knows.”