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Stew encourages head-on-helmet violence

By now you’ve likely heard about seen the latest sheninigans of our folk hero Owen Schmitt.

One cannot be connected to the other, but Schmitt’s head-banging preceded a 41-o Seahawks win. Naturally, this delighted Seattle and Schmitt is just too good not to play along.

“I was just planning on hitting it three times and running out to meet the offense, but I had an unfortunate accident with the head splitting open,” he told Mahler. “I think that definitely got a lot of the guys hyped up. Everybody was cranked up already, but that just brought it up to another level.”

Schmitt said that will “probably never happen again,” but we really can’t believe him because it’s already happened again.

“(Sunday) was not a temper tantrum. That was an emotional display — ‘I’m ready to go.’ That’s Owen.'” WVU Coach Bill Stewart said. “The only other time I saw him do that was when we ran a little surprise punt here and he hit it off the side of his foot and it went out of bounds. That was a temper tantrum. That was not, ‘I’m ready to go.'”

Schmitt became such a integral part of an offense that became so obsessed with outsmarting the opponent he was actually used as a punter three times during his senior season.

It was always a gimmick when WVU would line up as if the offense would go for it on fourth down, only to have Schmitt take the snap and punt it over a cautious defense.

Sometimes it worked. One time it did not. The only thing Schmitt was kicking Sunday was himself for troubling the trainers before the start of the game.

“My my son, when I got home, said, ‘Dad, did you see The Big O?’ I said, ‘Blaine, I did not,'” Stewart said. “Then I saw it and said, ‘Oh, my.’ Then I saw the little green beanie or something because they had to tape him up. That was was just Owen and I think it’s awesome and more players should play like that. He loves the game.”