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Ride shotgun with Jeff Mullen

Or is it Pistol? I’m not sure. Irregardless, his is a job some 60,000 people think they can do, when, in reality, it’s a responsibility most people do not entirely understand. It’s quick and tense and those two are intensified in a no-huddle attack.

But you likely knew that. Did you know play-calling is an open conversation that can involve six other people besides Jeff Mullen? Can you believe WVU’s offensive coordinator rarely gets to see the play he calls? Would you have guessed play-calling is less play-by-play and more series-by-series? Are you impressed Mullen relies solely on mechanical pencils? Do you feel better knowing the Mountaineers never rarely wing it and what happens in the game was planned days before?

No matter what WVU encounters, be it a key third-and-short, a red-zone possession or a time for a trick play, it’s something the staff has already discussed. The game has been played out on paper before it even starts.

Mullen just has to put it all in the right order.

“You’ve got to trust kids and your plan and hope your kids trust the plan,” he said. “You’ve just got to. Of course, every now and then you look back and say, ‘Man, I could have put them in a better situation,’ but that’s being an armchair quarterback.

“At the end of the day, the hard part is the week of (leading up to the game), in my opinion. That’s a lot harder than game day. Game day you’re just nervous because you want your kids to execute.”