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Noel would like to plead the fifth

He was pressed and prodded and even asked why he’s been on the sideline the first play of the last two games, but Noel Devine would not take the bait.

“It has nothing to do with me,” he said. “I trust their play calling and whenever I get the ball I’m going to make the most of it. That’s all I’m going to say about that.”

Here’s all I’ll say about that: It’s probably unwise to specify how many touches Devine needs to get per game. Now we have a go-to stat to use in relation to Devine’s activity and how it relates to wins and losses. Really, Noel’s been the starter for 16 games now and it’s very hard to connect any win or loss to his touches.

Devine’s only topped 19 carries once in his career when he ran 26 times for 133 yards last season against Colorado.

In the three other WVU losses last season, he ran 12, 19 and 12 times and only against Cincinnati did he fall in Stewart’s 23-to-33 range when he had six receptions to go along with his 19 carries. He had three receptions to go with his dozen carries in the losses to East Carolina and Pitt.

Ah, but last week Noel had 15 carries and two receptions! That’s 17 touches! WVU lost! WVU lost because Noel got 17 touches!

Clearly, that’s not the case. It’s even silly to make much out of the fact he had 90 yards and two scores after one quarter except to say perhaps he should have carried more than he did the rest of the way. It’s not as if he was going to have 360 yards and eight TDs just because of that first quarter.

But, yes, he probably needs to get the ball more when he’s on— and let’s face it, there have been games when it’s just not there — but to get him the ball just for the sake of some magic number comes at a price the offense just can’t afford.