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Texts From Auburn Game Night

A soaking wet edition of Texts From Game Day. What a night. Can’t say enough about the atmosphere in light of the conditions. Won’t say anything about my 15-hour ordeal getting home — one bag light! (Edit: Found!) — yesterday, either. Rather, enjoy the texts, which ride the wave of emotions and revolve around one general theme: WVU probably should have won that game. Hey, no need to wait for Senior Night … WVU already had a Brown-out.

Send in the texts! My edits are in [brackets].

(9:44 PM): Reed/scooter are either out or planning to play without shoulder pads

(9:50 PM): How nervous can I be? How do you even measure nervous? Ugh.

(9:54 PM): That’s a major harris throw….i don’t even care risking the lightning strike to say it.

(9:57 PM): Wow. We just scored in two minutes. Wow.

(9:59 PM): Maybe it’s the beer, maybe it’s homerism, but throws like that/that kind of athleticism will make jarrett brown a rich man this time next year

(10:00 PM): IN YOU FACE SEC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(10:09 PM): If you would have told me we would be up 14-0 in the first 5 minutes I would have suggested drug rehab for you

(10:18 PM): Hello special teams. Have we met?

(10:21 PM): I got a feeling!!!!! That tonight’s gonna b a good night!

(10:23 PM): As a lifelong WVU fan, big early leads make me as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

(10:33 PM): Never witnessed a funeral take place in front of 87,000 people

(10:40 PM): Stew should have worn a houndstooth hat to screw with the Auburn backers

(10:41 PM): Caridi as the 1st quarter ended “good quarter for the Mountaineers.” Understament of the year…..

(11:06 PM): I love the no huddle offense that constantly almost gets delay of games

(11:10 PM): Our O line is [rather] awful – brown has to run for his life every play

(11:16 PM): Has to stop throwing off back foot and know when to throw it away

(11:28 PM): Sanders catches it, takes a knee it’s a 46 fg. He instead tries to score.

(11:36 PM): When this game was scheduled, the chances of Stew and Chizik being the head coaches for it were about the same as Carrie Underwood marrying me…hope springs eternal for myself!

(11:39 PM): *sigh*. The first quarter was so much fun.

(11:54 PM): Is Keith Tandy expecting a quick kick on every down? Hes playing so far off the line that hes out of the picture!

(12:01 AM): I’ll say it again; Can Noel Devine play against Auburn EVERY DAMN WEEK!?!? PLEASE!?!? (This text sponsored by PBR and lots of it)

(12:01 AM): Seriously!?! Its a [simple] xp – how do you miss that

(12:03 AM): The Jim Breuer “Jackpot” commercial for Pizza Hut stuffed crust pizza seems about nine years too late

(12:22 AM): Uh oh. The last time we were underdogs in the regular season was also the last time we scored 30 pts and lost.

(12:36 AM): This is how 28 year olds have heart attacks.

(12:36 AM): [Shucks]?? Turnovers killed us

(12:37 AM): Brandon Hogan has got burnt all night long

(12:42 AM): If I was the kind of guy who frequented strip clubs, Trooper Taylor seems like the guy I’d want to take with me.

(12:49 AM): I [kid] you not. The camera was on Stew just now and he asked “who’s ball is it?” Who’s BALL IS IT? Are you freaking kidding me?

(1:06 AM): Seriously…have u ever seen 2 picks thrown on screen passes?

(1:08 AM): Ask Mullen or Stew…”why would you run a screen again when all you did was turnover the ball?”

(1:08 AM): And why did we abandon the run?

(1:11 AM): It’s probably good that I was already drinking, otherwise this game would have driven me to it.

(1:12 AM): I hate the SEC. I hate Alabama. I hate mouthy fans. I hate Jeff Mullen’s play calling. I hate torrential rains. I hate defensive injuries. DAMNIT!

(1:13 AM): Insult, meet injury.

(1:17 AM): Yes! 5 interceptions!

(1:19 AM): Yey! Our offense still searches for a way to lose.

(1:22 AM): You just can’t expect to win if the defense catches more passes than Arnett

(1:24 AM): That’ll be all, Jeff Mullen. Drop your playbook off on the way out.

(2:18 AM): JB better give you a tim tebow after ole miss speech

(2:25 AM): “this will help us down the road, Bob. This will help us down the road, Mike”