The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

More Texts from Game Day

You know what’s a neat compliment? When someone says to you, “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but …”

Texts from Game Day was a hit and it’s now a keeper idea. I didn’t need much convincing after weeding through them Saturday — many from people I don’t know! — but this week someone who shouldn’t say something like this to me said, “I shouldn’t be telling you this, but the ‘Tweets from Game Day’ [sic] was really funny.” Other people regretted they hadn’t texted and vowed to do so this week. A few said they can’t wait to read Monday’s edition, which brings is to today’s point/plea.

We’re really going to need contributions this time because the game is on something called A lot of people won’t be able to watch so you insight is needed. And, no pressure, but we now have a reputation to uphold. Find the number and fire away, please. Thank you, in advance.