The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

New idea: Texts from Game Day

A few of you know me and anyone else who does knows I have this black technological device attached to my hand. It’s the Motorola Q9C and, if what people say (behind my back) is true, I can’t be sure I can function properly without my cell phone.

I know this: I can’t work in my satellite office (a.k.a. my living room) without it. I mean, I owe my bosses constant acces, right? I know this, too: Text messages are hilarious.

Examples and conversations I’ve saved (and can print) from the last month or so that gave me an idea I’ll share in a few moments:

I thought I was having a heart attack today. Luckily I remembered that commercial and stopped and got some bayer aspirin…true story.

– Special at the fish bowl is “Big Ben Burger.” Do I get it even if I still say no?
– Hahaha…you’ll definitely get charged for it a year later

Chris just said this: …and that’s when I fell in love with Bea Arthur.

There are more. So many more. The point? Texts are immediate. They’re available right away or later if you can’t get to them right away, but it’s an in-the-moment reflection of a person’s thoughts and emotions. I can’t even begin to tell you some of the things I get from other reporters, players, coaches and friends that reveal a lot about the way they view things — in this case, games and teams — and make me laugh and think … but mostly laugh.

So in a regular week we’re here on a Friday morning and we usually don’t meet again until Monday morning. Days pass between games and when it comes time to post again on Monday I’m usually rehashing stories you’ve probably already read about a game you’ve already seen.

My question: Why go through that?

Your question: Where are you heading with this?

Answer to both: Texts from Game Day.

Just about everyone here is watching the game, either live or on delay. Very few have access to a computer, and therefore this blog, as you watch. Just about everyone has a cell phone and the capability to text.

My work cell number isn’t hard to find and it shouldn’t be hard to, in our own way, submit immediate thoughts about and reactions to the game. Everything will be anonymous, I assure you.

So fire away, please, and on Monday morning review the game in Texts from Game Day.