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Friday Feedback

Welcome to a Rodriguez-free edition of the Friday Feedback. We’re not going there today. There are bigger issues to tackle, though to be honest, I felt everything was handled perfectly in the comments this week. No need to sully the fine work. Just to put a bow on it (for now), yes, it happens across the country. No, it’s not right. Yes, he’s a bad guy. No, he’s not the only one. Yes, he coached at WVU. No, he’s not here now. Yes, he’s on the hot seat. … I don’t have a counter to that.

If the alleged violations are just alleged, it at least pushes him closer to the precipice of an ugly exit. A hammer is been taken to his rep. Again. If the investigation, which has an outside group as well as the NCAA involved now, turns up something, well, the end may be near. Still not sure how it affects WVU, other than to say the school really has to watch itself closely now and be completely open and compliant with any inquiries. That’s never a bad thing.

But, hey, how about some football? There’s an actual game tomorrow. I’m calling it a dress rehearsal for East Carolina — I just don’t buy this idea WVU hasn’t taken any time away from Liberty preparations to get an early look at or start on ECU. Watching the games I watched last night, you really can understand why some teams are hesitant to play competitive games the first week. Oregon was a Pac-10 possibility this year. I don’t think anyone believes that now and all because their first effort was a miserable one. It is, as Oll Stewart said this week, about making a first impression and determining what your roll will be in it.

This should be an easy one for WVU and you’ll be referring to your program and counting freshmen by the third quarter. Big points, I think, so something like 38-14 sounds about right for a game that’s more ceremonial than competitive.

Onto the Feedback. As always, comments appear as posted. In other words, be careful how you identify yourself.

Dave said:

Is there anyway to compare what you saw last year in camp with this year? I know there are variables and it won’t really be determined until they’re up against an opponent but do they seem to be (as of your latest observation) improved? We have a defense with experience now and while the o-line is young, the coaches should have their interaction and commaraderie (sp?) together by now, which should help.

What do you see as the greatest strength (focus on the d getting off the field on 3rd down, the o-backs, the receivers?)?

What concerns you the most (o-line, kicking game)?

Do you think we’ve improved on the dreadful kick coverage?

I know these are prognostications, but I’d be interested in hearing it from you, who’s seen and talked to many involved.

Thank you.

For starters, it’s easy to notice the team is further ahead this year, though that only makes sense. There’s continuity on the coaching staff — every other Big East team lost one or both coordinators, WVU has the entire staff back — so there was no wasted time getting on the same page or introducing concepts. They simply turned the page and kept on going. That matters. As far as personnel, there are a lot of veterans in key spots, so they learned quicker and retained better this year. That matters, too. Obvious strength is the defense, but I suspect they’re going to be very careful with the ball and very good with possession. Measured passing game, good hands on the ball, stuff like that. Weaknesses would be the kicking game (hold your breath on field goals beyond 42 or so yards) and the offensive line … but give both some time. Everyone’s down on those two aspects because of inexperience, which is a Catch 22. As for kick coverage, no one knows yet. It’s hard to practice it in camp and Liberty isn’t going to have the athletes to get a accurate assessment. That said, it has to be better, right?

drlove said:

I don’t think the o-line will be the problem, completing passes will be. 


JohnA said:

Completing passes will not be – our biggest obstical may be play calling this year… 

Also noted.

Country Roads said:

If Julian Miller is out of breath from walking up 5 flights of stairs, how is he going to feel after playing a few series with the first team defense?

Glad you caught that. One wonders if Kirelawich did, too.

overtheSEC said:

Mike, I look forward to the inevitable 3rd and 1 of which you speak. When we convert (glass half full), I hope the stadium erupts in sarcastic cheering (comparable to when a ref finally calls one our way). If by chance though, we get stuffed, you will hear 65,000+ collectively sigh “Here we go again.”

I’m not going to lie: I can’t wait for the very reason you presented there. I have no doubt it’s going to be exactly like that. I’m already writing my story around it.

EER96 said:

Jock will play Saturday? I guess the next thing you are going to tell me is that Joe and Truck are going to be sharing time running the point this year from the get go?  

Prepare yourself. 

Jeff in Akron said:

The guy took his lumps, and paid his dues. From the reports I’ve read, he’s been a model citizen. I have no problem with his reinstatement to the team. Nor the fact that he will see the field, often. The gauntlet was laid, and he made it through.

I am not comfortable with Jock Sanders as a starter on opening day. If Jock were to start, I believe, it would take some of the bite out of Oll Srew’s woodshed treatment. If not to Jock, to the other members of the team.

Which leads me to the next question. What would be an acceptable amount of plays to hold him out? The first.

The first offensive snap of the season is an honor to any player, on any team, at any level. For the rest of that player’s life, he will have been the opening day starter. It is my opinion Jock has not earned that honor. He’s not a senior, he has another chance.  

I never thought Sanders would be suspended the first game and I wasn’t even in favor of it. We’ve been through this before, but I also don’t have any issue with the way Stewart handled this. The privilege to start seems unusual, but, to be fair, probably no one was judged and watched throughout practice as much as Sanders. Through that, he earned the right to start. Isn’t the purpose of practice to earn a spot? If it makes you feel better, if WVU starts with three receivers, he’s not one of the three (Arnett, Starks, Lyons).

Birch said:

I guess that means he gets to keep his license? I guess that means I’m wearing a helmet when I come up there Saturday.  

Well done. Also, I have to ask: If his name wasn’t Truck, would we find this as entertaining?

rekterx said:

I like his no nonsense approach. He doesn’t explain why he made the picks. He just tells you how it will be.  

Kige Ramsey sells the steak. Nicole Richie does not eat it.

Bill said:

And I love that he uses hand motions as if he’s getting ready to proclaim some great nugget of wisdom. Instead, he just reads from a list. Brilliant, I tell you.  

First time I watched it Kige goes “Syracuse…” and there’s a long pause. I was like, “Hmm, wonder what he will say.” Then I saw how little time remained and I thought, for a second, “Kige, there’s no time! Hurry!” He has that affect on me … and on others.

thacker said:


Thanks one hell of a lot … have spent the last half hour watching Kige Ramsey segments of sage advice and instruction. Time, now, to get stoned and drunk.

You’re welcome? 

Mack said:

I’ve watched two college football games (and some part of Ball State/North Texas) and have yet to see anything resembling decent football. That’s why it’s funny to hear analysts go on and on about how great teams are. Some of the supposed great teams put the uniforms on and all of a sudden can’t hold onto the ball, throw the ball directly to the other team, shuffle around on every defensive play like they have no clue what they’re doing, drop passes that hit them right in the hands, miss field goals, mishandle snaps, shank punts, sucker-punch guys in the face, etc.

Every team is beatable. 

“…sucker-punch guys in the face, etc.” made my Friday. The Chip Kelly Era is going very well, yes? And is it just me or does that N.C. State-S. Carolina game underwhelm every year? Along these lines, I can’t wait to see what the pundits will say after Monday’s Cincinnati-Rutgers game. Big East bashing will ensue if the teams are as rusty and unprepared as anyone else is at this stage.

thacker said:

By God, WVU football is about to start.

And Durst, keep that powder dry and few double grain loads for anyone foolish enough to give you grief.

Enjoy the weekend!