The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

First things first today

(Three posts today. The Feedback will come later. I’ve been busier than I expected this week, a reality King Richard of Ann Arbor did not help in the least.) 

overtheSEC said:

You’ll have to swing by the Elks lodge and update the out of towners of their current message/prediction. They were posting in 140 characters or less before it was cool.

I did my part to try to save the globe yesterday by dropping off recycling. Funny thing is the traffic was so bad I’m sure the emissions from my crossover were far more dangerous than whatever good I did recycling Diet Dr. K cans and Piggly Wiggly water bottles … and you don’t think for a second that’s what’s in my recycler, do you? Shame on you.

Anyhow, I took a short cut to get to the Glenmark Center — right off Don Nehlen Drive on to Northwestern Avenue, right onto Chestnut Ridge Road. Luckily, I had my camera with me because said Elks Lodge was on my right on CRR.


Well, that’s a horrible revelation. I can’t believe they’ll deprive us of our weekly slice of life here in Morgantown. It was always entertaining even if it proved inaccurate

Upon discovering this, I had to compose myself. I wasn’t Annette Benning in American Beauty, but this was a blow. I ended up in the parking lot for a moment … and thank goodness I did.


There’s our little sign, waiting to be debuted. I hope.