The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

J. Brown will not follow Coach Rod

I don’t Twitter and probably never will. The whole Facebook thing is weird to me and I’m kind of weird about creating an invasion of privacy I’d rather avoid. I sometimes see things out there and wonder why others do, too. Also, I don’t think anyone, especially my friends, care what I’m doing. If so, we have cellular telephone with which we call and text one another — and texts give us 160 characters. Take that, Twitter!

That said, I love tweets and I’m finding out more and more about these Mountaineers I’m paid to know things about. Examples? Absolutely!

Julian Miller

Jus walked up 5 floors to get to class…outta breath…sweating..and this girl beside me is looking at me like I stole

Bout to smash this Texas Roadhouse wit the D-Line…glad tomorrow we off.

VH1….Left Eye was crazy …RIP….but I can’t believe she burnt my dudes house up..fellas..imagine comin home from the club to that?

I wish I could make everyone happy….I never intend to hurt anyone…

Najee Goode

Thinking about how I can contain this beast inside of me!!!!

Making some egg salad sandwiches…yummy

Scooter Berry

My lil boy Caine 5 months old… 

Yes we got tunnel vision, Sept 5th, Liberty is all we kno..we’re ready to beat up on a diff color Jersey..keep the blueNgold clean 🙂

3 dogs is a hassle but I love em so its all good, treatment in a few..Gmornin!!!! 

Lombardi Watch List??? Ok Scoot, I knew it was GO TIME, but its GO GO TIME!!!

I practice with a purpose. To get better incramentally, to enhance every aspect of my game, to never feel complacent, TO WIN THE BIG EAST!

If your not, You should def follow my lil brother @jasongwaltney, hes doing big things this upcoming season, dnt count him out!!!

Anthony Leonard

jus finsh watching flims n im sick… i have alot to improve during this 3rd wk of camp.. may my angles guide me!!!

played ncaa all nite… now its back to business

big ups to michael vick n wish da best luck for him…. nap time, good nite america n good morning world!!!!!!!

today whip my ass!!!!!! today’s bhind now… focus on tomorrow

Jeff Braun 

Thinking bout Dad… it has been a long time…. RIP

Larry Ford


Robert Sands

it was a light practice today, but this seem different because everyone was focus and listening to the coach… IT MUST BE GAME WEEK!!!  camp is comin to a close n the season is in sight. the offense is looking good as well as the defesne. there is going be alot of big playsAlways bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other, so lets go get them Sept. 5

Courtney Stuart

Okay so a brutha gotta update. You know me eatin sammiches and being layed back is how I do!!! 

Bout to make some sammiches ohhhweee!!! 

Mike on the Chicken Keisha watchin Real & Chance & Me being Stu!!! Yo!!!

Bill Stewart

Great workout by lads in pool at Natatorium this morning and went 2 class. They have Saturday off and then start game week on Sunday. 

Coming in this morning at 530 a.m., I heard “Grazing in the Grass” by Friends of Distinction. That song really got me jacked up!!

Guesly Dervil

They ask derv,. why u been going so hard…what if things don’t work out? you have a plan B..I told them my plan B is to enforce plan A

Jarrett Brown

Is this farve situation really good for the viking? What does this say to #7?

Another ”two a day” out the way. We def got better as a team. I need a steak!

Watching my linemen do bellyflops in the pool….hilarious.

Should we follow Coach Rod?

Scooter and I just found coach Rod on twitter 

I won’t follow coach rod. I’m gonna stay here in west virginia….lol with you guys. I enjoy reaching out to the Mountaineer nation! Lets Go

I love to see Coach Stew Lifting in the Weight Grinding! With the lifting belt around his core…ha!

Eating chicken, eggs, hashbrowns, steamed broccoli at the stadium….lol We call it BRUNCH!