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Danny Jennings and his haymaker

Try as I might, I just can’t pull myself away from basketball. Do you wonder why with a coach who shares tales like this?

Huggins told a story of how Jennings, a forward at 6-foot-8, 265 pounds, was urged by WVU’s strength coach Andy Kettler to take up boxing in an effort to improve his footwork around the basket.

”After Danny knocked (redshirt junior forward) Cam Thoroughman out with one punch to start the boxing class, no one would get into the ring with him,” Huggins said. ”So I’m not sure if it helped his footwork or not.”

Oh, and Casey Mitchell, who someone told me could have a 40-point game this year, is everything he’s billed to be … and less?

”There will be days you walk out of the Coliseum and say, ‘Casey Mitchell is the best scorer we’ve had here since Wil Robinson,” Huggins said. ”And there will be other days when you’ll walk out and you’ll say, ‘what the hell did Hugs recruit him for?’ ”