The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Chris Beatty was not misquoted

WVU’s slot receivers/running backs coach was asked Tuesday how The Poet compared to Noel Devine and Jock Sanders. What followed was … well, it was revealing.

“He’s shiftier than those guys,” running backs/slot receivers coach Chris Beatty said. “He’s not as thick as them, but he’s quicker than those guys.”

Also, Austin’s other nickname is “Ta-Boogie.” I feel pretty good about this young man.

Not feeling so good about the short-yardage stuff. WVU works it pretty hard every day so you know it’s getting attention, but Ryan Clarke sprained an ankle Wednesday and you never know how those things heal. 

I’m not concerned about Brodrick — not Broderick — Jenkins. He was acquitted and cleared of any and all wrongdoing in that church safe theft thingy and he wouldn’t even discuss it Tuesday, which is very fine with me — it’s just I have to ask.

That said, because I have to be that guy, it only makes sense Jenkins had to be the guy to borrow a parlance from a certain Disney movie. I was nevertheless encouraged he stuck with his conviction silence and didn’t go off on a rant about how he was right and everyone else was wrong. Pretty neat kid, too, who played all over the field in high school and is relishing the chance to play one position in college.