The Sock 'Em, Bust 'Em Board Because that's our custom

Move along, nothing to see

So practices are pretty much closed at WVU now. After witnessing Saturday’s scrimmage, we’re allowed in for a bit Wednesday and actually all of Saturday’s scrimmage. I have no idea where I stand on this.

I really had no problem with the arrangement last week — watch an hour and then please leave — because you had time to take pictures and videos and eyeball some kids and then depart. I can’t imagineĀ Bill Stewart is hiding an opening-hour ice cream social from us this week.

In both weeks, we media were prohibited from the actual practice part of practice, which is common. Heck, a lot of schools don’t even grant access for that first hour. So part of me wonders what I’m missing and another part knows it’s not much.

Why, last week I wrote something about how freshman offensive lineman Jordan Weingart was among the most promising newcomers. Someone who read that saw me at practice and said, “What makes you think that about Weingart?”

I replied, “Good question…” and simply walked away.

Ask Bill Stewart about the secrecy and he’ll tell you about the competitive disadvantage his team and other teams faces in the IT age.

This IT world has taken football to a different level. The IT world is great, it’s new America. But, some things are meant to stay private. I don’t want practice to be filmed. Let us show our repertoire to the fans on Day 1. That’s my protocol, and that’s how we’re going to do it. This is what we do, and we’ll wait to Sept. 5 to show what we do.

We use the internet though! I love locker room material. Put that microphone in front of a young person long enough, and you’ll have all of the locker room material that you need. Someone is going to say something dumb. I try very hard not to let information out or excite anyone. You still need to be a gentleman; let the pads do the talking. But, we get online. They’ll talk if you let them.