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Let’s talk about practice

Today was the first day of full pads and full contact. Bill Stewart likes to get things going with the Oklahoma Drill. When the offense wins, it looks like this: That’s Parkersburg’s Matt Lindamood getting blocks from Donny Barclay (64), Matt Timmerman (59) and Ryan Nehlen (80) to get away from Scooter Berry (93), Sidney Glover (11) — who are two pretty good players — and Demar Harmon, a freshman walk-on who’s been a pleasant surprise so far.

When the defense wins, it looks like this: Stedman Bailey, meet Mr. Glover.

When Tavon Austin runs, it looks like this

The Mountaineers worked on field goals — and blocking them — again today and Wes Lyons and Robert Sands didn’t block any that we saw. They did try.

What surprises me is not that WVU is serious about using jumpers in the middle, but that there appears to be a second string. Nehlen (6-foot-2, 36-inch vertical) and freshman defensive end Will Clarke were the picks Wednesday — and Clarke (6-6, 257 pounds) can get up.