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Somewhere Mike Brown sighs

There’s a new “Waterboy” at WVU … and what a neat little story receiver Payton Brooks is. The hour is late and the odds are slim the senior makes a splash, but, in truth, the kid from Hurricane already has.

He wanted to be a football star, played his freshman and sophomore year but found that he was better at swimming than football and began to concentrate on that sport. Brooks was recruited by Sergio Garcia to West Virginia as a swimmer and went on to become a five-time All-Big East swimmer in the freestyle sprints.

When his swimming eligibility was up, he still had some school left and decided that he would walk on to the WVU football team.

“I kind of threw the thought around my whole senior year,” Brooks said. “I gave myself a week after the Big East championships to think about it and decided I wanted to go through with it.”