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And your Media Day preview

From the wonderfully named Syracuse blog Troy Nunes is an Absolute Magician:

The interviews, golf outings and clambakes are about to commence.  Sadly, so are the trite articles by journalists and bloggers that were written last year, and the year before that…and the year before that.  The same old questions will be asked and the same old topics will be broached.  You’ll learn very little and the Internet will be clogged further with opinions that have been voices many times before without any solutions.

I think you could make an argument those are the very reasons many media outlets aren’t sending people up there this year. Well, that and it’s “up there this year” when newspapers tend to be a little more selective about their expenses.

Anyhow, to save you from the Media Day laise, the Magician has a seven-point plan to make it less intolerable. No. 6 might grab your attention:

6. I will not make excuses for Bill Stewart.

He seems like a really nice guy.  He really does.  You know who else seemed like a really nice guy?  Greg Robinson.  Nice guys don’t finish first in college football.  Nice guys end up being someone else’s defensive coordinator.  You should be fearing for Bill right now, not propping him up. 

He’s got a tough schedule, no Pat White and…no Pat White.  And did I mention he almost got out-coached by Greg Robinson last season?  YIKES!